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Brian Ricketts

I totally agree regarding your take on draymond. Not excusing him at all. But part of that was on Steph and the rest of the team. Steph was standing right there and allowed it to continue. He needed to step In between push Draymond back.

Matt Hanna

there was that rumor about Wiggs who was boys with Poole and the punch just ended his relationship with draymond too then they ship Poole off and yea man i can see why you think wiggs doesnt fuck with day day no more.

Dami I

the annual wiggins stretch where he looks like he’s interested in playing basketball again

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Moses Moody is a testament to how far you can get with a coaching staff and a fan base by just controlling the stuff under your control. I know that’s a bit of a back handed compliment, but there’s no other way to make the point. No disrespect intended at all. But, given the streaky-ness of his shot, just imagine if Moody’s attitude wasn’t right or he didn’t hustle as hard as he does.


Steph's strength is his weakness when it comes to Draymond. He's always led by example and by being flexible enough to give everyone around him space to breathe and thrive. He's going to let you be you and empower you to be the best version of you. But that also means he isn't going to ever be the one to grab Draymond by the waist and pull him away.


I feel like people that have spent enough time on basketball courts understand the wrap and move a teammate thing much better

Yehudah Raphaelsohn

Did you see Steph kick the shit out of some chairs after he hit his night night?

Drunkn Wisdom

Draymond is too old and has had this happen too many times, to constantly have to be reminded to control himself. Full stop Honestly if basketball is affecting his ability to have self control it might be in his best interest to retire.

Kenny Bobby

Lt Dan line was tuff my guy!!

Anthony English

Moody mixed Ingles something nasty 🤣 a crossover like that and you gotta get your getback. Props for pointing out Ingles old man game and his recognition of Mood, Unc

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

At the time, I kinda felt like Curry’s Draymond reaction was a bit of theater. Laying the groundwork so when the hard decisions are made this summer no one calls it a betrayal. Call it his, “You broke my heart, Fredo” moment.

Emmanuel L

That predator sequence when gp got that block was clean asf😭 good ass breakdown though💯

Cory Ball

This was the funniest breakdown of the year that cp grandpa joke had me crying

Jimmy Ji

It's time to get rid of Draymond and his expensive contract and unleash Point God Steph. If Steph actually looked to pass more, he could average 10 assists/game no problem and will probably help with his longevity. Personally, I'd rather get rid of Draymond over Wigs but it's going to be hard finding a team willing to take his contract. Perhaps if OKC gets bounced in the first round, they maybe interested in some veteran leadership since they have so much draft capital and young prospects.

Alex Kay

Backpack for 30

Thomas Ogas

Clearly, this is Steph's team. But Draymond made himself the official co-leader of this squad, and enforcer of the Old Ways. Back in 2017, Kobe did a great video analysis of this offensive system. The Golden Democracy. Sharing the ball. These guys all know how to do that. They thrive in that system. And it works better, the floor is spaced better, everyone is an actual threat, when Draymond isn't on the floor.

k fish

Good to see wiggs aggressive but I've seen some low IQ fans say it's because kuminga was out lol I've been saying the whole time that draymond is the 1 limiting the spacing and like you said calling for the ball and just looking for steph. I been off the dray train, his defense ain't good enough to cover for his attitude or his horrific offense which causes a guy like Wiggins to spot up instead of get picks and attack down hill more. With tjd doing his this all we need to do is add another rim protecting and lob threat big and let jk play the 4 next to wiggs and tjd. It's pretty obvious what to do but will this nostalgic fan base and front office continue to act like we need dray just to end up the 10th seed or move on and let the team grow

Andre Brooks

Steph’s leadership looking hella suspect. Why are you standing there watching Draymond try to get himself ejected?

Andre Brooks

Draymond is a front runner like all the rest of Klutch. He quits everytime things get tough by either getting himself ejected or playing outside himself on the court.

Ballin Forever

Gotta love Loon man. If he got a statue somewhere around the arena when he retires.. i wouldn't mind it one bit.

David A.

I'm sure I'm just inventing stuff but conspiracies are fun, eh? Ugh. But what if there was an agreement between Dray and the org that there could be no more ejections (not even one) this season or he's done? And Steph knew that. Thus the emotional reaction.


maybe it is this year's "throwing the mouthpiece" moment when jordan poole took some dumb shots that frustrated steph to no end last season


Draymond's going through stuff--we get it. He maybe should've gotten ejected from the Heat game. But, man, it seems like the whole team is trying to play smart and build winning momentum into the 10th seed, except for DG23


I might sound like a homer, but we can beat anybody if Wiggs plays like that. And I think you're right on the money with the Draymond take, Alch. I'm just wondering, didn't our players push him away from the refs ever since he came back from the suspension? Why didn't they yesterday?


It's difficult to feel bad for this team because of the repeat mistakes by Draymond and around him. Steph tapping Draymond on the chest was not enough. He should have physically pushed him back or got in the middle until Draymond backed off. Moody should be studying and executing dribble hand-offs and screens. We lost too many games this season and last because of Draymond and Kerr.

Dan Doerge

Alch - you were really rolling with this one. Turning Joe Ingles into Lt Dan? I pissed myself.


I had the same thought, ngl. Idk but Steph’s reaction was just so out of character and I felt like you were seeing someone watch their best friend blow their last chance.


Don’t get caught in the moment. This aint about Draymond or Wigs. This team underachieved and has dug a hole too deep to crawl out from. Wigs won this game, so what? They are still gonna fall to Rockets. Just watch a Rockets game and see how much intensity they play with: the 10 game streak is no coincidence. The fact that their defense is still terrible, their offense falls apart as soon as Steph go to the bench, Chris Paul is still playing, it says the staff still understands nothing. This is not a situation even a prime superstar can save, not to mention Maple Jordan. Optimistic or not, just don’t be surprised when Rockets surpass the Dubs. Matter of time. And to make it worse, this team is not going anywhere next season, or the year after that. This is the END for Steph Curry. He should cry.


yeah. or, give moody the draymond playbook for dribble handoffs and screens. #blamemond


Someone should be designated within the Warriors organization to de-escalate situations like this, especially for Draymond. If not, the organization should partially take the fault. It looks like Yusef Wright was trying to remove him at 2:05, just not enough. But I think he could be a good candidate for this job, as the coaching staff or players could be distracted by anything on the floor. I agree Steph could have done something and regretted not doing so, but he might also have been very frustrated by the 1st tech and wanted an explanation when he was next to Draymond. Also, yapping doesn't cause the 2nd tech; it's the profanity at the end. That said, it's still not excusable since the team should have known Draymond well enough to foresee it coming.


Draymond could be such an incredible force if he checked his ego and asked for a big to take some of the physical play off of him. less frustration for him so he doesn't feel like he has to do everything on defense.


if Curry is the leader of this team and the wiser of the core, why didn't he say "dude, we need you on the floor" and got between him and the ref?

Daniel Fries

Check Podz face while Steph talking to Wiggs, realizing he's been idolizing the wrong vet.


The Draymond ejection seems very simple to me: dude just tired of having to play back to back, esp given he has lost the faith in this season as any sober person should. So? Fuck it, I’m out. Why? 4 mins in, minor call, no buildup or anything, seems nothing but planned act.

Andreas Wiedemann

at some point dray has to stop running his mouth and learn. i get the point of protecting your mate, but at some point you need to throw him under the bus cos he aint driving the thing.


We need David West to come back and just baby sit Draymond at this point. The emotional midget aint learned a damn thing. And I get the feeling that the fan base, and more importantly Steph, might be tiring of Dray, one might think that doesn't matter but I say it does. I am pretty sure you can see Dray mouthing the words "Pussy ass ------" to the ref just before the second tech. In dog training they say if u don't show an aggressive dog who's boss from the beginning then u will lose that dog. This seems to be the case with Dray, he's always been told that he has to play with an edge to be any good etc..


100%. Dray is the leader not by choice but by default. Steve fucking Kerr leads shit. Steph is not a leader as he doesn’t like confrontation. Klay is a loner. Dray is the only one with a personality to leader. Not a good leader no doubt, but qualifies.

John Pettus

Gawd. Stop with the baseless Kerr accusations. Unless you got something specific to point to. It’s just hackneyed, meme-level thinking.


It seems to me the whole group still is given no instruction and can’t play smart, so they trying to play ‘hard’ so that they can take less blame.


Am I the only one who gets pissed off when Wiggs plays that well. It's so obvious he has the talent to do that every game, so why only get aggressive once or twice a month? Will he ever get back to quasi-consistent?

John Pettus

Yeah. TBH, I know Ingles is kindof a dirty old player, but I loved him giving Mood respect out there.

Derrick Maples

Wait what did Kendra Andrews do?!

John Pettus

This would fly in the face of Warriors Twitter’s foolproof plan to have Steph always on-ball, playing 48 minutes.

John Pettus

I don’t think Wiggs’ personality is aggressive enough to want to attack downhill that much.


Defensively I agree with you. Offensively it happens 3 times a season. But this year is different: you have Chris Paul making 31 mils and doing his cone shit, if I were Wigs I won’t be bothered for making too much money and doing too little. I’d think I actually did a decent job, a B, in this company. When you don’t hold everyone accountable in a company: ppl starts to feel being treated unfairly as they should feel.

Andreas Wiedemann

I also love moodys play. he deserves so much more. since we play to small anyways i wish he could get some guard minutes

yan't get right

This is kind of a limited take, though I understand what you mean. Technically ALL of this NBA stuff is theater, these are some of those most public facing humans in history at a time where everything is recorded, so they operate most of the time knowing that people are watching. But I can't go along with the idea that because it's theater it wasn't genuine emotion

John Z

Ah looking at the offense without LDD was refreshing. Even when he was in for the Heat game, having Wiggs with the ball was tantalizing, seeing how unbalanced the offense can get. We did see early in the season though that he does provide certain dynamics that open up things for Steph and Klay and we faltered a bit when he was suspended, but it can't always be about just leveraging gravity off the splash bros for him, we need a real threat to open up a more simple offense.

yan't get right

I heard people talking about this, too. I don't buy it at all, as it kind of avoids the emotions that would actually happen in the middle of a fast-paced game. It's too much of a plot point. But to believe that steph was crying AT ALL because of Draymond's future suggests that we all at least understand they have a bond that goes really deep and they don't want to end. So it seems like whatever you believe, they both know the end is closer than we think


Did you see GP2 push Suggs back down after the block? He's so funny

Christian Hollaway

Let's blame steph after all he doesn't have enough on his play. The only thing suspect is that take.

Christian Hollaway

Yep and we have the some people falling for it. They never learn. Maybe we should blame steph for not motivating Wiggins properly after we get done blaming him for Draymond's issues.

yan't get right

HOLY HELL, what a season this has been. A season where literally EVERY single player, and coach, was worthy of singlehandedly being a scapegoat as to why the team is failing. To be the sole source of blame, by themselves. At least last night, that was not wiggins lmao. I pray there is a video crew following this team around this year, because I thought the Last Dance documentary was sealed before this season. I thought Bob Myers was gonna have the best take. But this season right here might actually be the real meaty stuff.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Theater was perhaps overselling it. I didn’t mean that it was just play acting. But this can’t be the first time he’s been that upset at Draymond’s antics. My suggestion is that the decision not to hide his emotions this time had some calculus behind it.


No lol Cameras definitely hype him up, getting him into that thug role he is not.

Andre Brooks

Maybe you’ve never led people before, but if you’re a good leader in that situation you at least try to diffuse it before it goes too far. Steph stood right there and did nothing. No one is blaming Steph for Dray being a small man, but we obviously see him display poor leadership here.

Ravi Dissanayake

What’s draymond contract looking like? Can we get anything for him post season

Sarcasm 360

I said dray can’t have his starting spot back months ago while he was still suspended… 👀


Baseless? You're going to tell me that the rotations this season and last were legit? Kerr knows why we can't win at home this season but not last season? Can Keep Draymond in check and other players motivated?

Nathan Glanzer

Bro the wizards and trail blazers were twice in that 10 game stretch. There was maybe 2 good opponents at all. Doesn't mean shit lol. Literally the kings and thunder everyone else was trash teams.

Nathan Glanzer

I mean "pussy ass n word" is gonna get you the second tech every time haha.

Neal X

I can't help but love Joe Ingles, he's such a crafty 'ol Aussie bastard.

Neal X

Steph probably legitimately hoped Draymond had turned a corner, because he doesn't understand Dray's personality. People can change their spots, but only if they're HUMBLE. Steph is humble. Draymond is not humble, he is arrogant. Even when he apologizes or says he's learned his lesson, do we really believe him? No. Because it's not in his nature to truly humble himself. Hopefully Steph can understand that his brother is not cut from his cloth.

Karim Q

Looking like the right call tbh. Can Dray just grow tf up and be a bit more controlled? Maybe coming off the bench can get him there, but nobody should be holding their breath


Yo i wonder if anyone noticed how steph and Kerr showed love to Wiggins right at the end there. I really hope they continue to support and encourage him to play MORE AGGRESSIVE

yan't get right

It’s gotta be Steph tbh. The only thing that can reasonably step to Draymond is the only person above him on the leadership totem pole. That’s the only person Draymond will back down from at this point. I think the ideas to calm him down from someone else are noble, but it comes right back to the 1 million times Steph has said nothing. He would need to adapt his leadership style to be more like Draymond AT Draymond. It’s gonna have to get ugly between them two before anyone else

Captain Rossco

If you don't know by now, then I don't know when you will realise. Dray is never changing

Joemilll -

Don’t start dray next game for letting down Steph?

deb m.

I’ve never played basketball (5’1”) but I’ve needed people to wrap and move my ass away from someone who was pissing me the hell off. That’s being a good friend.

Neal X

Bruh, were you not here for when he was suspended for 6 weeks and it didn't change him at all? Punishment is meaningless to him. That would only punish the team. The only question is whether they try to replace him for next season with guys who can move the needle as good or better than he does, or they keep him on but on a tiny contract (if that's possible) so we still have salary to work with and to make clear if he wants to stay, there's still a price.


Steph is naturally the choice, but not necessarily the best one. It’s not the person matters the most, but the bloody facts and consequences could wake him up, e.g. last chance to compete, father figure. Only Dray himself can tell what matters to him. But of course everybody involved needs to agree upon the de-escalating procedure. It’s purely business at this point and should be.


Yeah how many trash teams Dubs lost? It don’t matter the opponents, it matters the quality Rockets are playing and jamming right now. Intensity level is high, esp they know they are gonna play the lakers in play in

Joseph Mayen

Wiggins well better late than never When I see and hear Wiggins calling and demanding the ball then Warriors will be ready for playoffs. Playoffs will depend on Wiggins’ play


Steph really believed in Dray lol. thought he could control his emotions hahaha

Jacob Rees

That night night 😂