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Edgy SC

The offseason cannot come soon enough.

Jansen E

Well well well. If it isnt exactly who this team has been for 2 seasons now. Thank goodness we extended Kerr and have 2 entire seasons left of his wonderful and complex decision making, in-game adjustments, and scouting for teams. I LOVE that we will continue to run 3+ guard lineups vs. bigger teams. I LOVE that someone can go 7/7 and be pulled cuz "tHatS WhAt tHe rOtATiOnS ArE". I LOVE that unless you're a short white guy like Kerr, all rookies will be sent to the shadow realm at the slightest mistake. I LOVE never using challenges in big moments unless its completely idiotic to do so. I LOVE not fouling up 3 in clutch situations and just letting it play out because thats what they've always done! I LOVE not calling timeouts when other teams get momentum and we blow 20 pt leads. I LOVE the emphasis on everyone collapsing in the paint no matter what, so we can leave 38% 3pt shooters wide open to start games. I could go on. But Im just so excited. I LOVE that we get 2 more seasons of all of this. This is gonna be so fun.

Ryan becker

The draymond contract looking grime.

Sarcasm 360

Yeah resigning Kerr was a mistake, sell out for the playoffs so you can try the young guns, ain’t no way coach doing his jobs when the team has so many bad habits team wide, the lack of urgency and execution aren’t isolated issues with just a few players at this point.

Kenny Bobby

Ur patreon honestly feels like the best deal on anything i have bought in a minute dude. Haha. Love ur work alch.

Sarcasm 360

Wiggins intensity was very impressive, then Kerr sat him for 10 minutes

G 2tha P

Alch - Is there a fix for this team for next season? What roster move should they make to give them a chance?


Well, Damn..

Jared Cole

It’s a little concerning how much of a drop off defensively JK took this season.

Paul Hanson

Waiting for the Rockets game . This year needs to end with a ton of changes. The roster construction on this team is laughable. The minute they got Chris Paul-it was pretty much written what would happen this year. What a jumble of mixed up parts

Kahlil Baker

I am just so confused, do they not watch tape or do they just not care? How do these fools constantly get hit coming off weak side corner shooters?! Seriously Steph, Dray, CP, Podz, GP2. They all wander into the paint, either when the on ball defender is in good position or even when TJD drops and is the help. I don’t understand why they constantly leave shooters open in the corner to stand in the paint! They are not the help defender nor do they make any type of difference other than allowing a team an easy pass to the corner for an open 3

Thomas Ogas

That final shot by Klay got me real fired up when I watched it live. Knew he was taking it before he got it. Play was drawn up for him, right? Sure, SloMo was going to contest, but Klay had to rush it up like a hot potato when there was plenty of time on to either get his balance and feet set. Take a clean shot! We need this. Or pass it to someone to get it back to Curry. The Klay hail marry shit is so old.

Abhi Kelkar

we a .500 team

Chris Styner

This team reeks of institutional arrogance.

Ballin Forever

There wasnt going to be a clean shot in 7 seconds after he caught it. Down by 3.. the entire Wolves team all know we want the 3.. every guy on the court were versatile defenders. There wasn't going to be a cleaner look. The only other option was to swing it back to Steph for an iso 3 with 4-5 seconds left... and we all know Steph is a hail mary shot taker as well in that scenario


They played well all things considered. If they win against Indy or just look better of late, then this loss is no big deal. 1 possession game vs best defense in the league. But they bought to fuck around and miss the play in. And they have to ride Steph into the ground just to lose to LA in the 9-10

Ballin Forever

Resting Curry in that moment sounds to me like we are ready for the offseason. We know Houston is on our tails.. so lets not break our necks to try and win these games. And if that's the case.. i cant say that I disagree. I don't see the point in trying to make a playoff run this year. It would be a wasted effort IMO. We've been saying for weeks that Curry don't look too invigorated.

Jansen E

While it is nice to see in a vacuum for one game, outside of that, its completely insulting as a fan, and to his teammates. He is PROVING that he CAN play at the level they wanted/expected from him after that finals run. But his efforts like last night are so few and far between, it makes him a liability. Im sorry and not sorry that I am no longer sympathetic to what he's got going on outside basketball. Last night shows that regardless of those distractions, he CAN lock in. But last night also shows its 100% his choice to NOT lock in on any other night. Its insulting as a fan, knowing he can play like that, but chooses not to. Its insulting to his teammates who are trying to win (most of the time), and bust their ass and try to lock in......to watch your teammate just decide "ehh, I dont really care tonight". The fact that Wiggins can play like he did last night pisses me off more than if he just had another shitty, worthless game. Because its just solidifying that his other shitty games are completely due to him deciding to play like that. All the talent in the world. And only cares to play like it 1 out of every 15 games. He and Kerr both need to go.


Alch, admit it, this season is the pinnacle of the Steve Kerr shit show. It looks like LeBron knocked the last bit of his sanity out last year. Historical run. 50% winning cost 630 million. Bravo.

Jansen E

Lol yeah, he took that shot with like 8-9 seconds left. Easily couldve gotten a better look with that much time left. But at the same time, its Klay, and it was a sliver of daylight. So I dont crucify him that much for taking it, because he's hit so many shots that were more difficult than that. But yes. Definitely couldve gotten a better look. But if Steph comes in at the 10 min mark instead of 6min, maybe we arent even in that position. We'll never know though. And Kerr will never learn. "REST?????" For what?!?!?!!?


it's a mistake from the beginning, given his track records with the Suns, but also it's not a decision a owner like Joe Lacob who knows zero about basketball and is at best average about managing talents can make. bundling him and Steph is already the best he can do. unless Steph asked for Kerr to be removed, you can't go vs your big ticket

Philip Heston

It was clear we needed to make a move at the deadline but we clear up a spot by letting Corey Joe then sign that lacrosse mf no offense to him but I’m low key smiling at every loss we get because the team was to high on hurting their egos thinking all we needed was to get healthy when we all knew we needed a change…


don't be. this is what Kerr is, an absolute retarded


Joe Lacob paying 220 million in payroll and another 415 million in luxury tax for a 50% team? Hahaha don't ask me how much he paid for Chris Paul's ass god damn talk about investment

Billy Roberson

crazy thing is, GP2 was a point guard in college so he "can" run alot of these possessions making decisions (also why he's generally pretty good in the short roll) he just hasn't had to in the NBA because of his athleticism

Rug Ntar

This team has no chance….inconsistencies are killing us slowly but surely….

joss gitlin

Looked like trayce was open on so many of those rolls to the hoop

k. marcelous

TJD aka "The Promise!" Let's run with it!

Mike Peterson

Too many bad defenders. Every lineup Steve plays has at least 2 defensive liabilities and the closing lineup has 3 or 4! CP gets blown by every time, Draymond can't help or recover or jump more than an inch off the floor, Steph and Klay are asleep half the time. You know I love to blame Kerr, but he really is dealing with a box of broken toys at this point.


I liked the effort, much better than the Indy game, but a terrible Kerr game. Sitting Steph in a must win as long as he did was terrible. Also like how you pointed out how good the offense looked with Steph moving the ball in PnR. Why can't we go to that more often? I get it's as tiring style of play, but not even mix it in here and there?

Neal X

Thank you for admitting this. Too much Kerr hate honestly, starting to tire me out. He's been at fault in some ways, but he has not had a roster that's truly workable.

Neal X

Blow it up, basically. I'm in favor of anyone being on the table except Steph. Honestly, I am, and I'd like to see all the other vets gone unless they're willing to take massive pay cuts to stay. Except Wiggins, I want his talcum-powder soft ass outta here.

G 2tha P

Yeah but even with pay cuts, are they the players we want? I know Steph probably wants dray and Klay, but I just feel like this isn’t going to get it done - they need a real 2nd option


Reid has burned us many times from 3. Why watch film and make it a priority to run him off the line? If KAT played, we lose by 20 or more last night. Dubs are not making the play in this season...but yeah, let's double down and make sure contracts are provided for Kerr, Wiggins and Draymond after terrible results last season.

yan't get right

"It probably won't be pretty, but I'll be here to cover it." Appreciate everything you do, Alc. This community BY FAR been the best part of this season.

Souleymane Ndiaye

I can’t stand Steve Kerr I’m sorry

yan't get right

What did palpatine say about the Jedi Council as the whole democracy was going down in flames and Yoda thought he should fight him one last time? "Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda" Yoda had to go into hiding after that.

Ballin Forever

I think we need to see what the asking price for Dejounte Murray is. He seems like the perfect fit for this team... He does everything that we currently need. 3-level scoring.. POA and versatile defense... draws fouls.. gets to the rim... can play alongside Steph and Klay... in his prime.. and can be a true second option. I call him budget SGA. I also wouldn't mind Lavine either.. The stock for him has fallen a lot.. but him in our offense alongside Kuminga Steph Dray and TJD would be something. Im just thinking about guys who arent currently considered hot commodities but who are talented enough to fill the role we need/ We desperately need another perimeter scorer. The top teams have a few of those guys.. we only have 1 of them that's in their prime (sort of).

Vittorio Servino

I know Saric is suspect on D but I thought CP3’s return would get Saric more playing time. Their pick and pop game is nice.

Neal X

I was banking on them trading CP3 for a big, and it didn't happen. Maybe it couldn't happen, there was no trade waiting for him we could have taken advantage of. This season could be written off as basically the fallout from Jordan Poole deciding he no longer needed to give a shit after getting his ring. This is why dynasties don't last, all sorts of circumstances that are unpredictable and out of anyone's control.

Qiushi Hu

If Trace plays with Steve Nash his whole career, he probably would make 1 all star team

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Did anyone else catch this quote from Kerr: “In general, we are a team that protects the basket first; we believe that, if you don't handle the basket and the paint, then it doesn't matter what you do, you're not going to be a good defensive team. So, we generally have been very good at protecting the rim, protecting the paint for a long time. Draymond does a great job patrolling. The way we play, we cover up that paint, and then we have to scramble out. And the ones that bother me are when we don't recognize personnel. We know we're going to be flying around and having to close out on shooters. It's really important to know who you're closing out to. Sometimes if you're closing out to a poor shooter, you have to stunt and fall, you gotta get off of that guy. And when we do that, we're pretty good, but when we don't recognize who we're playing against, then that's where we give up shots to the wrong people.” I mean, we’ve all seen it, but wild to hear him lay it out so matter of fact. Tough strategy when everyone on this team is either too young to reliably KYP, too old to reliably scramble, or too small to reliably contest. Also, I don’t watch a lot of non-Warriors basketball, but are there teams in the league that are going to two point you to death in 2024?

Ejikeme Uzoigwe


Andre Brooks

Ngl. Looking like we’re missing the Play-in. 2 losses coming up in Florida

Ballin Forever

For all the Steve Kerr haters... can someone give me a situation where another coach handled this better?? A coach that was asked to still compete for a championship while also developing young players? I cant think of anyone asked to do both simultaneously. The moment they decided to keep Wiseman Kuminga and Moody should've been the point where they blew it up. Asking Kerr to integrate new players... while also develop young players.. while also managing veterans and their clashing with the youngins... is a TALL task There is NO coach in the NBA currently asked to do all of that. Its either you have a veteran core that's ready to win... or you have a young core that's ready to rebuild and be developed for future success. But asking Kerr to do both is insanity.

Pew pew pew. Finger guns are my 2nd amendment right!

I think the players realize they don’t have enough to win the finals. Away play-ins aren’t going to bring ticket revenue, so why would Joey Lightyears care? Roster overhaul over the summer and come back for the last dance. We’re gonna miss these guys when they retire.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The problem was that they didn’t actually have a veteran core that was ready to win. Klay, Wiggins and Draymond each torpedoed major sections of these past two seasons. If those guys had performed, then we’re not having this convo. With all that salary either MIA or playing poorly, the team has had to rely on kids, two ways and vet minimum guys. Who’ve all mostly outperformed, imho.

Ballin Forever

but thats the point… we have veterans that are still good.. but just need a little more support than they once did. Those draft picks couldve netted us some reinforcements. But we elected to keep them.. fine But dont also demand that Kerr develop Kuminga Poole Moody and Wiseman… while also compete for championships with Steph klay and dray. Thats an insane task.

John Z

When has the system allowed Steph or Klay to develop their pass game? They are not put in situations to be the connector; they are almost always used as gravity decoys for another playmaker or are expected to shoot and finish the play. We've just barely seen that when you give Klay an actual rim threat that puts pressure on the defense, he can make the pass, when Steph had David Lee, his passes had more wrinkles because of options that put the defense in more of a predicament. Taking pressure off of them is just as important as the pressure they put on the defense.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I hear you, but that “a little help” is a #2. The FO entered this season (and last) thinking Wiggins and Klay would be Steph’s #2, and Loon would be a reliable big man. No team can survive so many of its top players going AWOL. These aren’t problems that a Siakam (and an empty bench) can solve.

Neal X

I'll agree there is too much Kerr flamethrowing on the comments altogether. We get it, and there are legitimate gripes against him, and I have a few. But it wasn't in the cards for this season or last no matter what he did. At a certain point, just stop scapegoating and reach the final stage of grief: acceptance. We aren't contenders, the dynasty is probably over, though there is some hope for next season if there's some major earth-shaking moves.

Ballin Forever

I agree with you. I think one silver lining is that we hung in games with the top teams. They seemed to have just enough more firepower to pull those games out.. and if we had just gotten 2022 Wiggs… i think we win more of those clutch games.. and we dont blow half of those double digit leads. If we can use Wiggs CP3 and Moody as trade bait for a legitimate experienced 2nd option… i think that would put us right back where we were in 2022. The path wont be as easy… but we would have enough firepower between Steph Kuminga Klay and whoever that guy would be… This offseason will be the most important one we have since after 2016 finals

k fish

Lol you have to be kidding me. Let me completely destroy you're take, 1st off the 1st year they had all those young guys u named they actually won the title showing you those young guys werent in the way, yes wise didn't play but jk and moody did during the year and at times In the playoffs. But this is where things went left, the plan was to integrate those young guys with the core, meaning adjusting to there talent to maximize them while also having you're core, instead kerr separated the team in 2 by not only how he talked but also the hockey lineups he was playing, not to mention it was clear he didn't actually have a gameplan on how to use there talent....example having kuminga planted in the corner (did the same thing this year even after jk led the preseason in scoring). Then he played lamb and jerome over them only to find out once Wiggins disappeared wow kuminga is actually helping this team win games and was vital to the team making the playoffs but that didn't stop kerr from finding his first possible chance to dnp kuminga once Wiggins returned. Come into this year and kuminga is again standing in the corner while cp3 and dario run pnr. Kerr even tries to get jk out of the rotation vs Portland but it backfires( this isn't by accident, Kerr clearly wanted jk to fail and get rid of him)....at the same time kerr watches his trusted core lose games even though we already knew looney and dray can't play together anymore. Tjd shows some life when dray is out and jk forces himself onto the floor against kerrs wishes....it still takes kerr forever to give tjd a role because his favoritism towards looney and dario. At this point so many poor decisions by kerr has cost the team atleast 10 games.....not to mention the 1 young players kerr has no problem over playing is podz who is a small guard and has the lowest ceiling and floor out of all the prospects lol. The point is kerr put himself in this situation, there is much more to explain but u know this already. Truth is Kerr has been spoiled so his poor decisions never mattered, now they do, and btw plenty of teams that wants to win has young players lol denver.....heat, thunder etc.....u can't credit kerr because he is too scared to coach his vets or has favoritism.....this is a guy who thought anthony Edward's should come off the bench for team usa....that should tell u about kerrs awareness and how he sees the game

k fish

Oh btw u talking about a title? How about just make the playoffs, get the most out you're roster, not be the reason you team has lost like 15 games

k fish

Lol yea he is contradicting himself.....want to protect the rim yet is constantly going small? Also like u said that game plan seems to make it very complicated for somthing simple. No wonder teams shoot the lights out vs us, they know we are only going to act like we closing out if they ain't great shooters lol

k fish

Lol the fact kerr had to be forced to play kuminga and tjd alone is a fireable mistake.

k fish

Lol it amazes me kerr takes whole seasons to find rotations and yet still gets them wrong 🤣 is lacob really going to keep this guy's around 2 more years, he can't be trusted and yes steve....believe it or not 3 to 4 min can def change the outcome of games, you should know this because you have blown about 15 of these games for us this year

Ballin Forever

Championship year was won with vets. Sure the youngins chipped in.. but it was mostly vets… and Poole. Steph Klay Dray Wiggs Loon Otto Bjelica GP2 Poole… Moody was at 12 mins a game… and only played 52 games that season. Kuminga was at 17 mins a game. That whole conundrum was able to work because you had Poole giving you 20 a game… you had Wiggins giving you 17-18 a game… on top of Curry and Klay. They had more firepower… Looney was in much better shape… Guys had fresh legs. It was a whole different situation entirely… Now Wiggs has fallen off a cliff… and we didnt replace the perimeter scoring 2022 Poole gave us.

Ballin Forever

And yes im talking about a title.. we made it to the 2nd round last year and yall was calling for Kerr’s job. It’s always been championship or bust for Kerr.

Neal X

Saric is more than suspect on D, he's a literal benefit to other teams with the amount of fouls he gives up. Honestly kind of embarrassing for a guy his size to not be able to just stick to a legal guarding position in the paint rather than constantly reaching in for blocks like he thinks he's Rudy Gobert.

Neal X

"Constantly going small" -- there's a fair way to criticize Kerr, and an unfair way to do it. Rewind the clock back to the start of this season, we all knew that we were going to be on the small side with CP3 replacing Poole, they passed on Old Dwight, couldn't land Rudy Gay for whatever reason. So we have a rookie big, Looney, Saric, and Draymond for size. Was Kerr supposed to predict that Loon, who had been so good for us before, would show up washed? Was he supposed to know ahead of time that Saric would be a complete traffic cone/foul machine slower than a tortoise? Was he supposed to know Dray was getting suspended and returning out of shape? Was he supposed to know a rookie center would turn out to be this good? No. Nobody knew any of that at the start of this season. Remember that Kerr was flamed for playing his only two experienced big guys in the "Dooney" lineup too long? So if you're going to criticize Kerr, be consistent, and be fair. Do I think Kerr has coached a good defensive scheme this season? HELL. NO. 3 beats two, and he's been unable to recognize that in today's league, teams take 3's as much as 2's so if you have to pick between giving up one, give up the 2, not the 3. Simple math. He obviously doesn't agree, and I think he's been wrong on that. The overhelping in the paint is wrong, and if he's been literally greenlighting/coaching them to do that, Kerr is absolutely wrong, but it's not because he's "constantly going small".

Connor H

After hearing wiggz brother had to leave his team to go being with their pops it gave me a different perspective. If I was a MULTI millionaire and my pops was dying would I be able to focus on hoops? I feel like the game would be an afterthought for me especially if my bills are already paid for life

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Our bench was lights out at the beginning of the season. The problem was the top of the roster. Not much Kerr could do about it. But this strategy, on the other hand, seems really weird with this roster.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

The championship run was about Steph, Wiggins and Poole surrounded by elite level role play (Draymond’s back injury slowed him down considerably). Our role players are playing just as well as the role players in ‘22. But it doesn’t matter if the top of the roster is broken. A team needs stars and if a 36 year old Steph is the only star on the team, then it’s not gonna work. Remember how trash that team was when Wiggins cooled off post All Star, Steph was injured and before Poole went HAM? The problem isn’t the kids. If you asked Otto, Bjelica, GP2 et al to all of a sudden play like stars, we’d have had the same results we’re getting now. The FO, Kerr and Steph bet on Draymond, Wiggins, Klay and Loon giving starter level performances. Klay played his way out of the starting lineup, Loon played his way out of the rotation, Wiggins has been a shell of himself and Draymond was MIA for crucial chunks. No team can handle that much underperformance at the top.


yeah, i mean who cares Kerr lost 10+ games when the players played great and he fucked up the match-up right? Or not call a timeout? Or Switch on a screen instead of deny a 3 point when they lead by 3 with less than 1 second? Right? that's 2 months ago, which feels like 200 years ago. Don't even get me started on Lonnie Walker, that's a thousand yrs ago. Doesn't count.

Mike Peterson

I don't disagree, godeau. Steve is the coach you want when you have all the pieces, but that is far from the case now. He's kind of turned into the Pete Carrol of basketball and it's maddening.


is lacob really? em... yeah! that's what contract means right? i mean lacob ain't no steve balmer, 20 mils is no tip money. This is it for Steph bro: no dynasty, no more title


the kerr delusion on this channel is next level lol

Ballin Forever

And the hatred towards the coach who implemented a system that led to the most successful era in franchise history is pure comedy.


nah mike, he is not the coach I want when I have all the pieces. Shit, he is not the person I want around period. I don't even want to talk about how you and I could have done better cuz thats BS too theres no evidence. But if Reggie Miller can call the game better than Kerr from the broadcast, what does that tell you? Think about that. Kerr's track record is horrific: a complete hypocrite who never owns his mistake. The Suns went off the rail immediately under him, and back to the West Finals the very next year they got rid of him. Don't get me started on his moves of trade Marion for Shaq, trading Diaw and Bell etc etc etc Why Mike D'Antoni left when everyone thinks he's gonna end up as the Popovich in Phoenix? Things don't just happen. There were alarming signals. You don't want such person around a team environment. He is as bad as Jeff van Gandy, and can be a TV person at best.

Mike Peterson

His playoff record with the Dubs is outstanding with only a couple of notable errors (2016 finals rotations, 2023 rotations vs Lakers). Titles earn you a goodly amount of grace. I can't speak for the Suns experience, but I'll take your word on that. (I can't believe you got me defending Kerr.)