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really tough one, but we press on


More worried about steph but this is the rest he needs.. we should be able to handle the Spurs without him.


Ngl this one made me sick to my stomach. Underrated aspect of being an athlete gotta be next play/next game mentality b/c I've been in a bad mood ever since the game ended last night lmao

Sarcasm 360

To play that well on a back to back was encouraging, but it cost too much with those tweaks.


Derozan grifted fouls the entire game.

Sarcasm 360

Oh another thing, we definitely need more Trayce Draymond combo, because I’m tired of him A) not understanding he has more backline help and over helping, and B) running out of energy because of playing the 5 too much and then doing that cat and mouse crap


Trayce runs like Michael Cera in superbad. lol

k. marcelous

I agree. That was an honest loss for the youngsters. They may have learned more in that loss than they could've in a win. Tough luck for us all the way around tho. This could be an excellent opportunity for someone to step up. We'll see.


Not enough scrutiny on Kerr and the coaches this game. The idea of keeping two rookies on the floor in crunch time is flat out baffling. The ball needed to be in CP3s hands to facilitate or take that final shot. We got outworked on the boards early. I'm pretty sure we can get a Drummond type to grab us 10 boards a night...but we are held captive to Kerr's small ball. I saw Sabonis' numbers last night...he ain't soft.


What a classic Kerr brain dead 3rd quarter! I know ppl is gonna say the reason Dubs are only behind 10 is because Chris Paul run a couple of successful pnr w TJD. True. But this is not the story: the starting 5 are obviously gassed, so call a fucking TO, and put on Moses and GP2 to replace Podz and Wigs. Then, Podz can lead the second unit with Wigs, TDJ, and Klay. And as soon as you see Klay is going crazy, taking all the stupid shots, you call another TO! Sub him out if necessary cuz Klay is not playing defense, and taking all the bad shots! As for Chris Paul, there is only one guy who can run a pnr in Dubs and he wears #30. When Chris Paul is in, the ball stops moving so he can do his dribble shit. He does not create for his teammates and as long as the opponents figures out his pnr, which is really easy, switch or just go under, the offense is fucked and Klay goes Berserk, and you don't run back and fastbreak layups all day long.


Kerr's 4 guard rotation ain't it.


They gave away 120+ pts, which part is well played? Just curious.


Look at the pods possession CP passed the buck. But I agree the small lineup hurt us, Wigs 15 min?

Sarcasm 360

It’s a back to back and you aren’t hitting shots while the other team is, yet it was a one possession game that required you to make multiple efforts to regain control of the game throughout and on that regard they executed multiple times, not easy to do when you aren’t hitting shots against a hot team. Don’t miss that layup and avoid tweaking a few ankles and it might have gone a different way.


I know he is going through something family-wise, but he doesn't sound enthusiast...ever. Give the minutes to Moody and Trace. Maybe we can pick up a Drummond type to bang the boards.


Separately, excellent job on the content. I think there is room for some jabs at Kelena, D-Wright and "The Great Kerrith Burke"


I actually feel that JK does a pretty good job of staying on his feet most of the time but for some reason, DeRosan is the one guy that can bait him into it


True. Too hybrid point guard heavy at this point. Also, Curry can learn to not hog the ball so much when he is having an off night. Play that cat and mouse/in and out type of game. Mistakes were made, again.

Sarcasm 360

Well that’s what I mean, Trayce can handle the backline too, Dray doesn’t have to put two feet in the paint anymore if Trayce is out there, but I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s basically traumatized from having to make up for small ball so much.


You want derozan to hook up with kuminga?? Haha

Ballin Forever

6th man Klay turning into prime Klay and if thats the case.. sign me up for more of that


The moment steph got injured, draymond started to act crazy to get ejected... shamefull

Neal X

Now our lack of another 30+ scorer on this team is going to really hurt. Having at least two is so important IMO because of the way that pulls defenses apart, but also if one of them goes down... like now.

bob star

Klay Thompson redemption arc.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Re Draymond’s defense it feels like a paraphrase of your quote: “fatigue makes gamblers of us all”

Major Powers

It's Bonta who drives me up the fucking wall. Guy just seems so damn fake. I was laughing so hard when Draymond talked shit to him and just stared into the camera


Wigs could have done a much better job. You need skills to cover a foxy Demar.


Someone please help me: why on earth is Chris Paul still playing more mins than Moses, Wigs and sometimes JK? Why on earth? I need help guys, please. He's 39, it's no longer his fault that he sucks. He is who he is, and actually playing great at his standard. But his standard wouldn't survive the g league! So whoever gives him the min needs to be held accountable.

Erin Laskey

Steph had a bad game yesterday. I've never been a big fan of persisting and jacking up shots even on the night where it's not there. Players know when it's not their night! 5-18 is a bad stat line, 7 of those shots could have gone to somebody else with better efficiency in the paint. He was 3 of 12 on 3s in 28mins. At what point do you stop? Not the reason we lost of course but these are some of the things we need to clean up because it'll only get worse as he gets older - as we've seen with Klay already. When it's not their night, they force it


Obviously woulda loved to see Podz hit that layup to extend the game, but even if he did there’s like a 80% chance DeRozan gets to his spot for a game winner. Hopefully Podz and Kuminga learn from this and hopefully the team holds down the fort while Curry is out. At least enough to get into the Play in and then with curry back in the Play In ya never know.


i'm so sick of Kerr and his bad decision-making; TJD should've played way more, and why was Dray allowed to keep failing? that shit shoulda stopped in the first half because it wasn't working, and Kerr shoulda put TJD on No. 9 much earlier! Wiggs was shooting pretty good and shoulda played more. Always too much overreliance on Steph, even when he wasn't shooting well. Underuse of GP2! just sick of it! ugh! 2 more years of Kerr!

Erin Laskey

It’s hard for someone else to get 30 when Steph and Klay take 20 shots each on average. JK averages 20pts for something like 14shots and FT. Players who score over 30 take more than 20 shots consistently. It’s what Alch said in the breakdown. They have to empower JK to take those many shots now and see how he develops

Neal X

We aren't winning a chip this year, so I am fully on board with letting JK off whatever "leash" he still has left, including encouraging him to take more 3's. He's already a feared slasher, so imagine him developing a good jab step 3-ball like what Steph does all the time. He still has plenty of room to develop offensive moves. Even if we lost more games with Steph out, his absence here might be a blessing in disguise for next season in terms of discovering offensive potential in the young guys.


Didn't watch the game, but down 19 by half to the worst team without their best player in Vassell? Again, what the fuck is Chris Paul playing 16 mins for? 16 mins? How many layups you can make in 16 mins? Fuck Kerr!


Can you tell me why against this group of Spurs you play zone and dare to shoot? Why? Can't they guard man to man vs the worst team in NBA? Shame Moses is the last man still fighting for Kerr where Kerr is Moses' worst enemy. Let Wigs run pnr? Fuck you Kerr! Fuck you!


How many layups does it take to sub Gui out? How many pnr switches does it take to tell Chris Paul has no role on offense? You show him Popovich. Call a fucking Timeout!


Right now, other than Moses and JK, this group is just a bunch of losers led by a retarded headcoach: what you gonna do?