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Harry takes teaching his fellow students into his own hands as Umbridge takes over Hogwarts. Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.


EARLY ACCESS: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) | Movie Reaction | First Time Watch

Harry takes teaching his fellow students into his own hands as Umbridge takes over Hogwarts. Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.


Brodie Vickers

Neville’s parents weren’t murdered, but they were tortured into insanity which isn’t great either.


In the books it explains a little better. The Prophesy establishes a strong magical bond over the affected. There is no one who could kill Harry except Voldy and vice versa. They have to be the one to kill each other, so if , say, Lucius Malfoy tries the killing curse on Harry, it wouldn’t work. And if anyone else who tries a killing curse on Voldy for example, then it wouldn’t work. The two would have to physically be the ones to physically kill each other. And as long as the prophesy is fulfilled, both of them can’t realistically die. Also the prophesy is more than that…but it’s better that you see the movies.


Umbridge's clothing becomes darker shades of pink as she gains more and more power throughout the film. Imelda Staunton doesn't get enough credit for her portrayal of one of the most despicable characters on film. I get chills even when I see her in something else. Stephen King himself said that Umbridge was the greatest villain since Hannibal Lecter. Also, as a cat lover I am very offended. While this is the longest book, the film is the second shortest. Mrs. Figg, Harry's neighbour, is revealed to be a Squib, which is a non-magical person who is born with at least one magical parent (kind of the opposite of a Muggleborn). Filch is also a Squib. The revelation that Umbridge was the one who sent the dementors that attacked Harry and Dudley is cut from the film. Quidditch is entirely cut from the film. Kreacher the house-elf has a bigger part in the book. Dobby helps Harry discover the Room of Requirement, not Neville (it is also Dobby who gives Harry the Gillyweed in Goblet of Fire instead of Neville). Harry, Ron, and Hermione meet Neville's parents, who were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix, at St. Mungo's Hospital. They also see Gilderoy Lockhart who's memory is still severely damaged. The memory that Harry sees of his dad bullying Snape is longer and more detailed in the book. It's actually about Lily ending her friendship with Snape after he called her a Mudblood. So while James was still an asshole he was actually defending Lily. It's revealed that Professor Trelawney's prophecy about "The Chosen One" could have been about Neville as his birthday was also at the end of July. And Dumbledore explains the real reason Harry has to stay with the Dursleys every summer: When Lily sacrificed herself she invoked an ancient and powerful spell in which her blood serves as protection for Harry against Voldemort. Harry's blood was so essential to Voldemort's resurrection because this would finally make him immune to Harry's touch. The magical blood protection is so powerful that it even works with aunt Petunia. As Lily's sister, Petunia is her closest living blood relative, Harry is protected as long as he stays where she stays until the age of 17. Harry's behaviour towards Cho in the film kinda pissed me off. In the book, they actually started a relationship and breaking up was a mutual decision. Cho was not tortured by Umbridge and forced to reveal, AGAINST HER WILL, where Dumbledore's Army was practising. It was Cho's friend Marietta Edgecombe who WILLINGLY leaked information to Umbridge. Btw in the scene where Harry tells Ron and Hermione about the kiss their laughing was improvised. Harry's scream when Sirius dies is said to have been muted because it was too agonizing and actually caused Helena Bonham Carter, Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright to cry. However, some people think it was simply done to add a dramatic sense of numbness to the scene. There's also a popular belief that Dan's grandmother had just died so his reaction was real. But there's no proof of that. In fact, Dan's grandmother passed away in October 2008, a year after the film was released. Dan's other grandmother was still alive in 2016, as in interviews, he said he'd hate for her to have seen his film "Imperium" which came out that year. J.K. Rowling said that Harry wouldn't have remembered his parents' death clearly enough because of him being just a baby at the time, but, unlike in the book, in the first film he sees Quirrell die. Because of this, he should've been able to see the Thestrals from his second year, but Thestrals hadn't been mentioned in the books at the time so the filmmakers wouldn't have known about the potential continuity error. It is not mentioned in the film that Nymphadora Tonks is also related to Sirius; she is the daughter of Andromeda Tonks who is Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy's sister. Andromeda's name can be seen on the family tree in Sirius' house but her photo has been burned off. The book explains that her family disowned her for marrying Ted Tonks, a Muggle-born. The only spell Neville used successfully against an enemy, Petrificus Totalus, is the same spell Hermione used on him in the first film. Beautiful note: Evanna Lynch had written a letter to J.K. Rowling about her struggles with anorexia before being cast as Luna Lovegood. And if you're into some behind the scenes gossip: Emma Thompson (Trelawney) and Kenneth Branagh (Lockhart) were married but he left her for Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix), though years before. So if you've seen Love Actually then THAT moment hits you even harder.