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Werewolves? Hippogriffs? Who is this Sirius Black?!? Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.


EARLY ACCESS: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) | Movie Reaction

Werewolves? Hippogriffs? Who is this Sirius Black?!? Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.



Ah yes, the prisoner of azkaban, the film where I first noticed a bootstrap paradox before I even knew it was called that. I love confusing people when I explain to them that someone else was still needed to be there to save Harry from Dementors. This is because as we see in this movie, the established loop is Harry nearly dies, future Harry saves him, and past Harry becomes future Harry and saves the next past Harry. So who saved the first Harry to establish the loop?


I've read that last part about 20 times and it just gets more confusing!


After Richard Harris' death, Dumbledore was recast and from films 3-8 was played by Sir Michael Gambon, who coincidentally died on September 28th this year. Fun fact: Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf) was considered for the role but he thought it was too similar to his role in LOTR. David Thewlis (Lupin) was originally considered to play Professor Quirrell in Philosopher's Stone. The dementors are a metaphor for depression and were based on J.K. Rowling's own experience. As someone who has battled depression for years I can honestly say it is the most accurate description: The presence of a dementor makes the surrounding atmosphere grow cold and dark. It drains its victims of happy thoughts, memories and emotions. Every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of them. It forces its victims to relive their worst memories. It is invisible to muggles just like depression is invisible to us. The Patronus Charm makes it go away, even if it's just for a little while, and brings a bright positive energy like therapy (or whatever works for that person) does with depression. The film doesn't explain the origin story of the Marauders Map and that it was created by a group of four friends at Hogwarts together: Prongs/James Potter, Moony/Remus Lupin, Padfoot/Sirius Black and Wormtail/Peter Pettigrew. Or the fact that James, Sirius and Peter learned to be Animagi (shape-shift into an animal) so they could safely be with Lupin when he transformed into a werewolf at the Shrieking Shack (as werewolves are only dangerous to humans, not other animals). There is a photo of the Weasleys in Egypt in a newspaper article. In the book it is revealed that Sirius saw it and immediately recognized Peter Pettigrew disguised as Scabbers. Since the Dementors did not know that Sirius was an animagus and they cannot sense animal thoughts, he escaped by transforming into his dog form. We also learn that Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, knew all along that Scabbers was really Peter Pettigrew and that Sirius was disguised as a dog. Crookshanks had even been helping Sirius get into Hogwarts to try to capture Pettigrew. It's almost universally agreed upon that the films did Ron dirty. One of the most notable ways was how most of his best lines were given to Hermione. In the book, Ron protects Harry against Sirius. Also, when Snape calls Hermione an "insufferable know it all" Ron sticks up for her and is put in detention, but in the film he agrees with Snape. While filming the sleeping bag scene, Daniel Radcliffe had requested to have his sleeping bag next to a girl whom he liked at the time. Director Alfonso Cuarón, Sir Michael Gambon and Alan Rickman played a practical joke on him by hiding a remote-control-operated Whoopee Cushion in his sleeping bag. Daniel tried really hard to stay in character. Hermione's "Is that what my hair looks like from the back?" was ad-libbed by Emma Watson due to her concern over her hair. The director loved it so much he kept it in the film. The filmmakers wanted to stray away from the traditional werewolf and instead portray it as a debilitating disease. Hence, Lupin in his werewolf form is depicted as emaciated and mostly hairless, making him look pitiful. Never noticed it before but when Aunt Marge is insulting Harry's parents, Petunia laughs when she is insulting James but stops when she starts insulting Lily. However much she may have resented her, Petunia loved her sister deep down. Fun fact: After Harry rides Buckbeak and Draco pushes two kids away, one of them is Margot Robbie's husband Tom Ackerley (the dark haired one on the left of the screen). Also, when Hermione tells Hagrid that Draco must be taken to the hospital (which I think was more out of concern for Hagrid rather than Draco) you can see her wearing the time turner around her neck. When the twins open The Marauder's Map for the first time the name Newt Scamander can be seen. He is the main character in the Fantastic Beasts series. When Harry and Hermione travel back in time using the Time-Turner you can hear the ticking of a clock the whole time.