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Full-Length Commentary for A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) | Full-Length Commentary

Full-Length Commentary for A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)


Jonathon Dragovan

I was just graduating from high school at the time this remake came out. I was also getting really into horror movies beyond just Halloween. So I was the right target demographic for this movie. I still prefer the original but this movie is a pretty fun movie to watch because of it’s different take on the character. It’s much darker and creeper. I guess I also like that it’s a time capsule in a way. Also this Freddy was more on the nose with what Freddy really was. Which was a child killing pedophile. The molester part wasn’t very emphasized in the earlier films but later it definitely confirmed what was also implied about the character. But this film really rubbed in your face which makes this Freddy so much creepier and disgusting. When all those scenes came on Mrs. Movies squirmed because that’s how nasty his character is.