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A moment's calm, the deep breath before the plunge

Hey all :)

Sorry things have been quiet since my last post. I got slammed by some nasty weather — snowed in for a week straight with sub-freezing temperatures on a daily basis. Between weathering the cold and shoveling snow, I just wanted to spend my free time resting and enjoying cozy vibes. But once the weather cleared up, I got back to Blender-ing, and here we are!

So, onto the render. Not a ton to say here. This is a render I made simply because I liked how it looked, and then I kinda came up with the flavor to fit the render afterwards. Which is the opposite of how I usually work, but sometimes that's just how it goes.

I tried out a dust overlay effect in post, which is something I've never done before. I always find renders that go the extra mile with post-processing to be striking (if the effects are an appropriate fit and done well, anyway), but if you're not a fan, I've included overlay-free variants in the archive. Additionally, there's also a slightly sharper version in the archive with fewer post-processing effects, in both with-overlay and without-overlay formats.

As usual, the embedded image in this post is the downscaled half-rez version, and you can grab the native full-rez version from the MEGA archive!

I'll see you on February 1st with a refreshed watermark-free MEGA archive link! Take care, and, as always, thank you for support <3



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