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Hey all :)

Hope 2024 has been treating you well so far! Just wanted to post a quick update to let you all know that things on my end have been getting back to normal, and I should be able to start finding some free time each week for Blender work. My holiday break from Blender was a great and much-needed respite that definitely helped to improved my mental health, which is something I struggle with regularly. Unfortunately, while my mental health and creativity are now rested and ready to go, I've been dealing with a few personal issues that have been eating up my free time. These issues have delayed my ability to return to Blender as soon as I had originally planned, but I've got things mostly sorted now. I'm excited to continue my Blender journey in 2024 and share it with you all! My deepest gratitude to those of you who continue to stick with me and show your support <3


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