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Hey all :)

Today I'm pleased to share with you my debut render with Final Fantasy 7's Jessie Rasberry. I know in my previous post I had mentioned I might do some low-effort test renders leading up to a fully-detailed render with sculpting, scene build, etc., but I ultimately decided against taking that path. I felt like using a low-effort test render as my debut render with a new character would lessen the impact and "wow factor" of the eventual fully-detailed render.

I also haven't shared any WIPs along the way because this idea underwent numerous revisions and iterations during development, and I was hesitant to share WIPs of something that was constantly changing. And then once I had the idea solidified, it seemed a bit silly to release a WIP only to release the full render immediately afterwards. I hope these decisions (and my explanations) make sense, even if you might not agree with them.

As for the render itself, I hope you enjoy it! I'm extremely happy with how this one came out. It took a lot of work both in Blender and in post-production in DaVinci Resolve to get the exact look I was aiming for, but I think the result was worth the time and effort :)

As usual, the embedded image in this post is the downscaled 4K version; you can grab the native 8K version from the MEGA archive!




I do think not releasing WIPs is a good idea too. I think it takes away from the final release.


Yes, that is my feeling on it as well! Thanks for your feedback :)