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Hey all :)

After a bit of though, I've decided for my next render I'd like to try and do something with Lara Croft of Tomb Raider fame. Honestly, I've been wanting to make a render with her for a long time, but familiarizing yourself with a new model is such a huge undertaking (at least, if you really want to polish it and learn all of its quirks, intricacies, and features to get the most out of your renders).

To that end, I haven't actually decided on which Lara model I want to use yet, as there are several options available. But, that doesn't mean I haven't been working since my last post! In fact, I've been working on another car model to use, as I've always enjoyed the idea of pairing Lara with a Lamborghini... plus I already did a Bugatti for Ada.

In this post you'll find an embedded image of the Lamborghini model I've been working on; I'm quite happy with how it looks :) Also, the paint job is 100% customizable, but, for this demo image, I used a shade of orange similar to what you'll find on Lamborghini's website. This particular model is the Huracan EVO.

As far as future projects go, Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4R) is right around the corner with a scheduled release date of March 24th. So, I imagine I'll be making plenty of Ada content once RE4R drops. In-between now and then, aside from working on the Lara render, I also have at least one Claire idea I want to work on. I know it's been awhile since I made a render with her, so that seems like the right thing to do for my Claire fans.

I'm not sure when the Lara render will be ready; I still need to set up some sort of environment and figure out posing and lighting, etc., plus spend some time familiarizing myself with whichever Lara model I choose (as mentioned at the start of this post). Depending on how quickly I'm able to work on the render, I may either share another WIP between now and then, or, just save everything for the final reveal.

Thanks again for your continued support <3

- Mana




I think Claire fans make up a large part of your fan base!


I'm definitely happy to make more Claire content when the inspiration is there! Sadly my brain is a bit fickle with the inspiration sometimes lol


Have Fun! 🥰🥰 Thanks for the update 🥰🥰


And thank you for your support :) I try my best to keep you all updated with a consistent level of honest and transparent communication, but I also don't want to bother you all and clog your notifs with pointless updates that don't really say anything meaningful. It's a bit more of a challenge than I expected, since it feels like I no sooner post something (render, WIP, etc.) and then a week has gone by already. But I'll keep doing my best!