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I decided to take a few additional days since the last update to spend some time working on assets/scenes/models. Here's a few WIPs I'd like to share with you all :)

WIP 1) A nice bedroom interior scene. To be honest, I'm not quite sure what I'm actually going to do with this yet; I've just been wanting to build out my asset library with interior scenes like this for awhile now. If you remember from one of the recent updates, I mentioned stuff like this was in the works as part of updating and reorganizing my Blender asset library. Now you get to see some results!

I'm really happy with the current setup of the scene, although it seems in Blender there's always room for improvement. Also, this isn't the only interior scene I have in the works. I just don't want to spoil all the things all at once ;)

WIP 2) Ada Wong enters the fray! I've had a lot of requests for Ada Wong content, which is no surprise given my specialty is Resident Evil. And I'm happy to show some love to Ada as well. I'm really glad that I finally took the time to polish this model and make the same improvements and adjustments to it that I did with Claire and Jill.

WIP 3) A before-and-after comparison of an upgrade to MK9 Mileena, courtesy of a fellow Blender artist that I'm friends with. The "before" or first picture is Mileena's default hair, which is a mesh of polygons. In other words, video game hair. The "after" or second picture is actual strands of (simulated) hair, which has a far more realistic and high-quality look. The MK9 Mileena model looks amazing overall, especially thanks to some adjustments I made to it, but the hair has always bothered me a bit with how it looks up close. Thanks to this hair upgrade, now Mileena will look amazing even in up-close renders :)

And as for the update mentioned in the post title...

I'm putting the Lara idea I teased in the previous update on the back burner. It's going to be more of a slow-burn, for-fun idea I chip away at when I have time and the motivation is there.

I've decided I want to focus on making a few (hopefully quick) renders of some ideas I've been toying around with recently, which should help me recharge a bit — I've been feeling fatigued lately and need a few enjoyable projects to work on to get myself recharged and motivated.  Afterwards, I have some ideas for more complex and difficult renders that will take awhile to make, but I think the results will be worth it!

In closing, thanks again for your support; it means the world to me to have people who enjoy my content. I'm really excited to continue sharing my Blender journey with you all :)



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