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Maxybee's is image heavy so it can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_NZdxScnLOlzanB64ISiNdimuL1ILz_BxVTlLaVAWSU/edit



  • Shinmai Fukei Kiruko-san  新米婦警キルコさん
    • Sheem-mai Fɯ-kay Kee-rɯ-ko sahn
    • “Rookie Policewoman Kiruko-san”
    • “Shinmai” literally means “unpolished rice,” but is a common way to refer to someone who is new/inexperienced
    • Due to a common sound change, most native speakers would pronounce the “n” in shinmai as an M sound (technically, it assimilates the bilabial feature of the following phoneme, but we don’t need to get technical if you don’t want to, baby).


  • Hirakata, Masahiro 平方 昌宏(ひらかた まさひろ)
    • Hee-rah-kah-tah, Mah-sah-hee-ro


  • Otonashi, Kiruko 音無キルコ(おとなし キルコ)
    • Oh-toh-nah-shee, Kee-rɯ-ko
    • Family name is written as “without a sound” but also sounds very close to the adjective “otonashii,” which means obedient/well-behaved. Obviously supposed to be ironic.
  • Anjou, Haruki 安錠 春樹(あんじょう はるき)
    • Ahn-joe, Ha-rɯ-kee
    • Family name means “safety lock,” personal name means “tree blooming in spring”
    • We need a safety lock on this dude’s pants
  • Tsutsu’i, Kanjuurou 筒井巻十郎(つつい かんじゅうろう)
    • Tsɯ-tsɯ-ee, Kahn-jɯɯ-roe
    • family written as “round well,” personal name written as “boy/man with ten scrolls”...I don’t think it has any significance
  • Uchigane, Chiaki 撃鉄 知秋 (うちがね ちあき)
    • Ɯ-chee-gah-nay, Chee-ah-kee
  • Onigawara 鬼瓦 (おにがわら)
    • Oh-nee-gah-wah-rah
    • Written as “ogre roof tile” for some reason
  • Rai and Mei Cooper
    • Like “rye” and “may”
  • Jean Smith
    • Katakana suggests that this receives the English pronunciation rather than the French pronunciation, so it is the same as “blue jeans
  • Otonashi, Touko 音無トウコ
    • Toe-ko


  • Orthrus
    • A two-headed dog who was the brother of Cerberus in Greek mythology. Killed by that fuckboy Hercules.
  • “Weed Spirit”/雑草魂 (ざっそうだましい) Zassou-damashii
    • This is a shitty translation of 雑草魂. While it does literally mean “spirit of weeds,” it’s more a saying that refers metaphorically to the tenacity of weeds (hardy, grow anywhere, hard to get rid of). Translating it literally like this makes it seem like the protagonist is a stoner out of nowhere
  • Jibapunahan
    • Apparently it’s Malay for “extinction”
  • “Gravure Idols”
    • “Gravure” is short for “rotogravure,” which is a type of printing.
    • I’m not totally sure what on earth they’re referring to with this, but I bet it’s something similar to what in English we would call “pin-up girls”


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