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Manga Details

  • Author: Daisuke Enoshima
    • Notable people they were an assistant for:
      • Yusei Matsui (The Elusive Samurai)
        • on The Elusive Samurai (credit in vol.10)
    • Notable people they had as assistants:
      • Elck Itsumo (Two on Ice)
        • Credited in volume 1. Just made the cut off by getting serialised VERY SHORTLY after Fabricant’s cancellation
    • Other works:
      • Three one-shots, including the prototype for this series. The other two one-shots are:
        • Atama no Nai Futari (Jump GIGA Summer 2020)
        • Madly in Love (Weekly Shonen Jump 39/2021)
          • Included in Fabricant 100 vol.3
  • Publishing
  • Run Dates:
    • 5th December 2022 to September 4th 2023
  • Chapters/Volumes:
    • 36 chapters/5 volumes
  • Series it replaced:
  • It’s complicated, but probably Hunter x Hunter?
  • Series that replaced it:
    • MamaYuyu by Yoshihiko Hayashi
  • Series that started at the same time as it:
    • The Ichinose Family’s Deadly Sins by Taizan 5 (4+ volumes, ongoing)
    • Cipher Academy by Nisio Isin and Yuji Iwasaki (4+ volumes, ongoing)
    • Ichigoki’s Under Control by Seiji Hayashi (2 vols, flop, episode 82)

About the Manga

  • Plot
    • Ashibi Yao’s entire family was killed before his eyes. The Yao family was born with incredible genes which keep them looking young well into their 110’s, which made them prime targets for the Fabricants. Artificial beings created by a scientist striving to create the ideal human, sewn together with body parts. The Fabricants wish to steal the the best flesh they can and sew it into their bodies for improvement. The Fabricants have a hierarchy based on the order they were created. The higher the number the more recent and thus stronger they are. Thus Ashibi, now 14 and thus too young to be harvested, made a pact with no. 100, the most powerful Fabricant, that if she can help him kill all the others then he will give her his body when he turns 18. She agreed and now follows him, both protecting his superior body and defeating other Fabricants. By drawing his own blood he can lure Fabricant to his location in order to defeat them with 100. After killing a Fabricant who stole a woman’s eyes and one who drowned people underwater, Ashibi is found by Luka, a super powered human working with Mortsafe, a group dedicated to wiping out Fabricants. After confirming that 100 is under Ashibi’s control he invites them both to go to their compound. Ashibi is resistant until he learns that 100 has been hiding something from him. It is possible to end the harvesting without killing all the fabricants. All they have to do is kill Fabricant No. 1 who has learned how to perform the surgery which gives fabricants their new body parts. All fabricants know where he is located but 100 refuses to reveal that information because she still plans on harvesting Ashibi’s body and requires 1’s help to do that.

    • Ashibi requests that they both be accepted into Mortsafe, and the boss allows them on the condition that they carry out one mission to show that they can kill fabricants without empathizing with them. Their mission is to kill the singer Roxy who is deaf but has been using a close fabricant friend of hers to sing for her, resulting in many people being manipulated into death. During the fight the Fabricant kills Roxy without hesitation in order to attack 100, showing that Fabricants are incapable of caring about people. Next they defeat a Fabricant sniper who actually uses a gun holy shit. In a manga??? This guy has some of the flesh of the Yao family so he has super regeneration powers. So yeah that’s a thing that can happen. Ashibi also touched the core of Fabricant 99 which is held inside Mortsafe and gives him that power of instant regeneration. Ashibi trains with Ayako, a 4 star fighter with super eyes along with Minmin, a 1 star fighter who doesn’t matter because the manga got cancelled. Ashibi and minmin team up to defeat her using his powers to take her sword slashes. She passes him but tells him she doesn’t like people who self sacrifice. Next Ashibi and 100 meet a nice farmer who feeds him but he’s immediately murdered by No. 1 and his lackey No. 91. Because he enhanced 91 he’s able to fight 100 on even ground which shocks her so much that she has a traumatic flashback where she remembers she can create fire at the expense of burning the shit out of herself, so she burns 91 to death but prevents 1 from being captured or killed because she still wants Ashibi’s body.

    • The boss approaches 100 and Ashibi and tells them that 1 stole 99’s core, and they suspect Ayako betrayed them to lead him there. 100 agrees to keep helping under the condition that she receive the notes of the doctor who made them, and the two team up with Kugui, Ayako’s brother, in order to save her. After tracking them to a carnival they fight two fabricants, one who once again has enhanced eyes to find targets, and another who transforms into the targets that she identifies. 100 kills them but not before Ayako is killed. No. 1 has rebuilt 99 and launched an attack with the remaining fabricants on Mortsafe, so the two head off to defeat them and on the way she reads the doctor’s notes. 100 defeats 99 with the help of Ashibi who covers himself in her fire and does the fire punch thing where his body constantly regenerates. Until it doesn’t. Ashibi’s regeneration runs out and he becomes useless to 100, so she leaves him and approaches 1. She says that the doctor was a weapons scientist who built missiles and after losing the war escaped to an island where people were nice to him at their own expense. Unfortunately the country he built destroyed the island, so he started building fabricants to recreate them into the people he identified as ideal. She interprets his idea of the ideal human as one who sacrifices themselves for the sake of other. She then  grabs 1, lights herself on fire, and leaps down the center of a spiral staircase, joyfully sacrificing herself to become the ideal human. 3 years later the team from mortsafe meet Ashibi at his home to celebrate his 18th birthday.

  • Characters
    • Ashibi Yao
      • From a murdered family
      • Wise beyond his years
      • 14
      • Regeneration powers
    • Fabricant 100
      • Dommy mommy
      • Gana kill the kid
      • Kind of a klutz

Why it failed

  • This feels like a weird plot for a shonen
  • I don't like monster of the week and early fabricants just feel like generic monsters
  • I didn't really feel much and 100s bond early on it felt forced
  • The characters are also kind of bland
  • I feel it's just missing something like the plot didn't cook long enough and I never really see the relationship between the mc and 100 before it starts getting strained
  • This series has a ton of fridge logic issues where it makes not a lot of sense if you think about most things too hard
  • I have trouble understanding the timeline of things and how such a limited group of monsters can need such a huge organization
  • So much time in the organization I really wanted more killing fabricant adventures without all this lore

What it did well

  • The artstyle feels unique but not too weird
  • The pannneling is def creative
  • Kinda funny like the burger scene
  • It's actually funny
  • It's unapologetic how evil the monsters are
  • Very strong ending

Where it could have gone

  • Ultimately I think the organization ate up too much of the series it just added a bunch of baggage not needed

Misc Thoughts

  • Why was he exercising in his default clothes
  • Maxy Bee thoughts:
    • The one-shot for this won the Golden Future Cup, guaranteeing Enoshima a serialisation, which was… well, this.
    • No.100’s design appears to be heavily influenced by Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village, hence her breasting boobily towards you in that cleavage-heavy dress.
    • Daisuke Enoshima’s favourite manga in a 2020 profile include Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Nodame Cantabile, Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku, and Dorohedoro.
    • Volume extras include sketches between chapters with extra gags/equipment information/character designs/etc, the rare one-page bonus comic, profiles, and ASSISTANT CREDITS!
  • A mortsafe, by the way, is a sort of protective cage placed over graves to prevent them being disturbed.

Final Verdict

  • Six Word summary
    • Community
      • Tucker:
      • Maxybee: I fabriCAN’T believe this got canceled
      • Chickenwarlord: Rough start ages gracefully, not perfectly
      • DevBrev: How to train your murder waifu
      • Diego (Phantom Seer): The Carl Clover's Murder Mommy Flop?
      • Digizi, the evil, sleepy A.I.: Frankenstein's Bizarre Adventure (featuring Lady dimitrescu)
      • duderocks the earthchild stan: I wish I had a frankenmommy
      • GenericMan: She's one hell of a nanny
      • Glornak Ironspawn: ♫ jeepers ♫ creepers ♫, where'd ya get superpowers?
      • Isekai Sensei-Sama 🎙: Fabricant make this into a hit
      • Lennie: Fabricant 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
      • LordAnubis, #1RedHoodFan/Mourner: THE GOLDEN FUTURE CURSE IS REEEEEAAAALLLL!!!!
      • Loser: Self sacrifice, self immolation, self actualization.
      • Luffy0321: Dommy Mommy is OP but compelling
      • Meru (Charly): Gouge, Uncover, Nab, Dismember And Mend
      • PirateShini: It's Lady D's rougher younger years.
      • Portal man: weirdest reanimator/Frankenstein fan fic ever!
      • Redblade: Kimetsu No Tall Dommy Murder Mommy
      • Resident Warhammer Nerd: Wait, it’s still not resident evil?
      • Riel: Watch how hard I can bleed.
      • Sbubby: Turn that Fabricant into a Fabrican
      • Scott: Almost no time for bodily harm.
      • Spike: Couldn't quite stitch together a hit
      • The Grey Potter: Fabulous Fabricants Filch Fancy Fellow’s Forms
      • 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕸𝕱 𝖄𝖊𝖙𝖎: Fawning Frankenstein Fraulein Fights Fabricated Freakshows
      • The Wolf The Wood The Trafalgar: Building unsuccessful bodies and manga quickly
      • Tri-Attack Zach: No, We have Frankenstein at home.
      • Xylon: Frankencougar hungers for a young boy.
    • David: Mommy needed to dommy the plot
    • Jordan: fabricants want one thing; it’s disgusting
    • Guest:
      • Frocked Fem Frankenstein Fuck’umup For Flesh
      • Massive Milf Mashes Murderous Meat Muggers
      • Bizarre BBW bodyguards bright bereaved Boy
  • Flop or not
    • If flop, what they could read instead
    • If not, how it compares to Chainsaw Man
  • Is this the best/worst series we’ve talked about



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