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About the Manga

  • Plot
    • Kyo tells everyone a spooky story so they go to a haunted house and hear spooky noises but it’s just muscar of fate trying to drink some juice
    • It’s summery vacation and everyone’s at the beach! Magu chan wears a lil hat and turns into a beach ball and stuff like that
    • Muscar summons a tsunami that strands him, Napu, and magu on a deserted island. Uneras shows up, is no help, and they build a raft which breaks. Napu’s shark saves them all
    • Nosu kashu put Izumi to sleep so Ruru, Magu, and Ren go into his dreams where he’s in an rpg. Izuma defeats the boss, Uneras, and Napu makes Nosu work for them at the restaurant
    • Magu trains BS, who saves him from drowning because he’s a good boy.
    • Napu starts his own business and it’s going great until he realizes that Nosu put him to sleep and his business is actually going terribly.

    • Kyo and Oze are good friends but Kyo is smart enough to go to good high school and Oze is dumb so they’re really sad about it and Kyo decided to go to bad high school with everyone else, destroying her future.
    • Ruru made lunch for her field trip that looks like magu but she forgets it so he goes on an adventure to get it to her
    • It’s time for the sports festival and the chaos gods have joined in to defeat the humans at sports. They end up winning but Ruru punishes magu with the shame rope for joining without permission
    • The shark wants to make Napu like him so she has a makeover but he’s a baka so she slaps him and he apologizes profusely.

    • Muscar wants to return to his normal form by destroying the bracelet Ruru has. He tries to get it by being sneaky but she just gives it to him when he asks. Uneras appears like Princess Leia from Star Wars and reveals destroying it won’t do shit
    • Izumi’s sister Seira appears to figure out what he’s doing and tries to be intimidating but everyone just thinks she’s cute so she runs away with her chaos god pet ninnitsy the astral
    • Everyone tries to get magu to smile and he won’t do it until he has a cute moment with Ruru by the sunset
    • All 5 of the ten holy knight generals appear to figure out wtf is going on with izuma. Seira kidnaps Ruru and magu, izuma, and Ren go to save her but oh no now they have to fight the mastermind: UNERAS???
  • Characters
    • Magu
      • Mf hat magu
      • Really loves his friendship book
    • Ruru
      • Just kinda there tbh
    • Naputa
      • Hates the beach
      • Afraid of sharks
    • Uneras
      • hawt
      • Is such a little shir
    • Muscar
      • Uses his ears all good
    • Rin
      • Finally a character
      • Dreams of being a chef
    • Nosu Koshu
      • Illusionist
      • Aquatic sea plant
      • Forced to work at the diner
    • Izuma Kisaragi
      • Shows a lot of character growth

Where it did worse

  • Was the amount of text always this bad?
  • It keeps blue balling you with plots, like the island could have been 2-3 chapters, maybe really dive into muscar
  • I feel this series is just not that exciting to read a bunch at once since it keeps resetting itself every chapter
  • The art really struggles I had trouble telling ruru and yuika apart
  • I disagree with the chapters the author made a plotline he had much more interesting things like the island
  • The author continues to refuse to put characters In difficult situations like why not have yuikas friend do a different school that's part of growing up
  • Things just kind of feel stagnant with the elder gods and the series kinda neglects the humans
  • Some plot but not what I wanted

What it did better

  • Nice cooldowns chapter with the haunted house
  • Finally spending some useful time with the humans
  • It’s so adorable
  • Gotta love the gods being weird little dudes
  • The headband takeout was peek fiction
  • Loool the elder god lessons

Misc Thoughts

  • Can confirm BS is a very cute boy
  • I want a naputa cooking manga and you can tell id be so fun
  • I'm not sure what the point of the urchin character is
  • I wonder what the original sake with legs joke was



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