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Hey guys! It's finally time for a new suggestions thread.  As usual, please leave us a comment below letting us know what minis you would like us to work on, you can be as specific (e.g, "I want you to make Lord Soth from SotDQ" ) or vague (e.g, "I want you to make anything from the MM that you still haven't" )  as you want. We will take some of the suggestions that you leave and add a few of our own and we'll have a poll in a few days.

Thank you!




Something I am missing is mounted minis, be they wyvern, griffin, horse or dinosaur. Mounted soldiers are great!

James Moats

Accessories for Mounts- I have some cool horses but they are all kitted out Western like a cowboy. I need horses which look thicker like war horses, horses with wings or a horn, and BARDING for horses. They need some protection.