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Hello when is psd files relesed i see the 572 . just say tier 8 and inside is png and a pdf no psd. and the ship 570 say comming soon. that like 3 weeks ago and no psd for 564 - 565 same only have png and a pdf in the Tier 8 File


Hey there Michael! Thanks a lot for noticing that, it's been fixed now :D And the ship PSDs are gonna take a bit more time in the forge. They're pretty big so they need to be hammered a lot more : P


thank you. just tryed download 564 again but still no psd. for the shell shark


btw dont need to hammer the ship. the more details in the psd that we can edit there more options the psd file will give us


I totally understand that but sometimes we need to make it simpler so the file can be uploaded. Patreon has a size limit for files.


ahh thats why many patrons have a google drive also alot easyer to download the files from