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Paper Mini

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Love the art work on this one. Maybe a one time use for me. I like the ones I can re-use in various situations. Not being critical of your decision making. It may be based on polls or other factors. Never-the-less, the art is beautiful but if I want to be honest, I think it might be worth considering to have minis that people will get a lot of use out of and likely use over and over again. I know not everyone feels that way and that's fine. This is just my two cents.


Are you aware of how enormous the back catalogue of minis is here, though? I mean, how is this kind of *criticism* helpful? You don't think creators spend an absolutely enormous amount of time considering balancing their creative desires versus their audience desires? Any time someone says, "...BUT I want to be honest" inevitably something inane follows. There are literally HUNDREDS of minis in this collection that are multi-use/general use minis. Maybe you're not aware of that and that's cool? Or maybe you're a patron at a tier too low to have access to that back catalogue? I mean, I'm definitely not out to shame anyone who can't afford something, but if you have time to offer up this kind of criticism, you can probably save up 5-10 bucks to fork over to a prodigious creator so you can have access to literally their ENTIRE back catalogue?


Not only are you completely out of line you were not the intended recipient of the message I sent. Your opinion is meaningless to me. Feel free to ignore opinions you don't agree with. Furthermore, for not attempting to shame someone for having a different opinion you are sure trying your best and contradict yourself and with a presumption of how much time or money I can afford. YOUR statement is not only unhelpful and insulting. Attempting to shame someone else for having an opinion that might differ from your own is indicative of the kind of person you truly are and it's pathetic gatekeeping. You shouldn't speak for the creator of the Channel when that the only one being addressed. You are just another subscriber who likes to behave like a zealot and speak on behalf of others. You do not work at Paper Forge. Address me no further with your hateful and condescending comments. Do it again you will be reported.


love it! this fits an idea i had a few years back and then kinda forgot about, it might actually make its way to my campaign now there is a mini for it, thanks 😍 i really appreciate monster and maybe less common minis. when you follow a few creators there really is a huge amount of stuff to choose from (N)PC wise, even if it's maybe not a 100% fit, but not having a mini at all for a monster is always kind of a bummer. keep up the good work and create what is fun to you, regardless of what people like me say hahah