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Update: Our friends Cze and Peku  have provided us with an awesome Black Dragon Lair map to go with this mini. The file is now attached at the end of this post. If you haven't checked out their patreon yet, we strongly recommend you do, and consider becoming a patron to get access to a ridiculous amount of beautiful maps!

Note: Just a reminder that in the case of chromatic dragons there are no alternate colors, after all, a yellow Black Dragon wouldn't be a Black Dragon ;)

Paper Mini

 Tier1 | Cutfile  | Tier8 


Tier1 | Tier2 | Tier3 



Jon W.

Usually I like to print these minis on cardstock, glue the front and back together, then cut around the outline within 1/8th of an inch so they stand on their own with as little spare paper surrounding them as possible (it draws as much attention to the beautiful artwork as possible,) but when I printed this one, since the front didn't mirror the back, I sadly wasn't able to imitate that process. I used the Tier 1 PNGs like I did for the other dragons. I'm going to try to find a way to flip the back image myself, but I wanted to comment here both to let you know and make sure that if there's anyone else who does the same thing, they don't run into the same issue. :) Thank you so much for making these beautiful pieces!

Jon W.

Oh I forgot to mention, I would use the PDF files but sadly they look entirely black for me. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here though.


Hey there Jon! Thank you for saying this. The PNG files in Tier 1 and 8 are updated and the backs are already flipped so you and everyone who work with them can use them just as they are. I also checked the PDFs just in case and I flipped the back as well (thanks a lot for pointing it out) but I had no problem viewing it or printing it. Are you using Adobe Reader DC? Usually that's the best program for preview and print. In any case you can always send us a message and we can try to help you print without issues. Grond


PROBLEM - VTT Tier 1 will not download. All others are good. Please check this.

Thiago Pereira Siqueira

What about a "reskin" Shadow dragon for any kind of dragon you do?

Jon W.

Excellent, thank you! I couldn't figure out how to flip it after all so that works out perfectly. And I'm not using that program at the moment, but I think I will from now on.


That's a cool idea, we definitely want to end up having all dragons, so we may do something like that for the less typical ones.

István Szász

Not to diss purple, but I usually envision my black dragons as jet black with bluish or brownish highlights - maybe alternate color could be along those lines for chromas? This would allow for better variation when the DM brings two juveniles against the party for no goddamn reason (looking at you, DM, you know who you are)