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Hey guys! We'd like to start the month right by making this new collaboration available to all of you. This adventure makes use of the Adult White Dragon we released last month. You can grab the free version of the dragon files attached at the end of the post or you can get all the patron-exclusive files from the dragon's release post here!


The Frostgauntlet is a side trek adventure for Fifth Edition. The adventure is intended for three to seven characters of 8th to 11th level, and it is optimized for five characters with an average party level (APL) of 9

The Frostgauntlet offers a shortcut between two important stretches of arctic territory that would otherwise require magical means to cross. Treacherous and nigh impassable, many who know of its perils would rather take the long way ‘round before setting foot within its icy passages. To make matters worse, the cavern is now home to a dreadful white dragon named Pulraess, The Prince of Winter. Understanding the value the shortcut offers adventurers and explorers, Pulraess uses The Frostgauntlet as an ambush point. Pulraess’ minions then gather the looted treasure from the dead and add it to the dragon’s ever growing pile which it keeps below a thick layer of ice.

Until the dragon and its minions are forcibly removed from the area, The Frostgauntlet is effectively off-limits.

A Team Superhydra Collaboration

This adventure was brought to you by the combined efforts of Team Superhydra. It features maps by Cze & Peku, paper miniatures by Paper Forge, an Adventure written by DMDave and a new magic item by The Griffon’s Saddlebag

All of these items are included below for you to download for FREE. Enjoy!



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