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Hey guys! We hope you are all doing well and are taking care of yourselves in these strange times we are all going through. You may have noticed the last couple of weeks our releases slowed down a bit, as we've been adapting to our new circumstances. We feel like things are getting back to normalcy for us now, at least when it comes to our ability to work on new content, so we thought it would be a good idea to give you a bit of an update on some of the stuff we've been / are working on.

New Minis!

So, right now we have a TON of minis on the works, over 30 to be more precise, of which you might have seen only a few. You can see some of them below.

Many of you have asked us about the release of a few of these ones, so, since we are working on so many at the same time, we thought the easiest thing to do would be to set up a Trello board where you can see everything we are working on and at what stage each of them are. You can access that here.

We'll start by releasing this thicc Raksasha tomorrow!

We are also getting this Goblin Sorceror ready for release this week


We are currently working on updating our VTT master post with new tokens and we are also starting to include the Tier 2 versions as well. From now on tokens will come as explained below.

We are trying to keep a steady release of new content as fast as we can, so, VTT tokens will come the day after the paper mini version is released so we don't have to hold on to the paper mini release until we have the VTT ready, and also we'll keep Paper mini and VTT releases separate due to organizational reasons.

Cut Files

We are also still updating our cut files, which you can find in the minis Master post. These are the last ones we updated. You can already find them in the Minis Master Post


We are also working on a few collaborative projects with our TeamSuperHydra friends, and we expect to release another big adventure by the end of the week, stay tuned for more info on that!

We're also aware that access to our content is a bit disorganized right now, so we'll be making a new master post that will have links to all the different resources on our patron page that you might want to get to fast, for ease of access, since Patreon doesn't offer a lot of ways for us to provide you with that right now. It should be easier to get to things that you want to get to with it, coming soon!

Thanks for reading and have an awesome week and stay safe!


Philipp Buir

Great idea! Thanks for keeping us updated


Wonderful to see some iron tier tokens too! :) thank you so much!