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Hey guys! We hope your year is off to a great start. After a complicated move (note to self: not a great idea to plan a move around the holidays) we are glad to let you know that we are back to our usual working schedule and therefore updates are gonna become frequent again, we'll be speeding up again. We appreciate your patience and support these last couple of slow weeks.

Let's get started by showing you a few of the things that we'll be releasing this week, along with a couple of sketches and previews for other things that some of you have been asking for a while.

First of all, we'll be releasing a Mastiff paper mini today! You can see the different color options below

We'll also have some reskins for this good boy coming soon.

Speaking of reskins, we'll be releasing one tomorrow. We took the Elder Couatl we made a couple of weeks back and thought,  with some modifications, it would make an excellent giant snake. 

Now, for a couple of things that are coming over the next few weeks. We've been wanting to do an Orc set for quite a while, and we finally managed to get started on one. This set will have quite a few different orc designs, we plan to make it a big one. Here are the first couple of sketches for some of the minis that it will include.

We're also working on a set of Elf and Half-Elf characters

We're working on a few really big minis as well, one of them is the one that was promised as our last goal reward, the Adult White Dragon. We hope to be able to finish this one soon

Also, we are working with our team of awesome collaborators to bring you another monthly adventure, which we'll be releasing next week. We'll share more on this over the next few days, but for now, we'll leave you with a preview of one of the minis that will be included in the adventure, extra points to whoever guesses what the adventure will be about just based on it.

We'll be sharing more stuff with you over the next few days, thanks for taking a look!


Preston Phillips

Warforged animal trafficking pirates? Everything looks great! I appreciate all you do for the hobby.

Josh malone

Mando? Is that you? Everything looks great!

Preston Phillips

I'll take being close and not go further with my guessing. I can't wait to see what this one will be and I do love a good surprise.

Filipe Ribeiro

Hi, these look great! Was just wondering about the smith from the NPC's pack (it also looked awesome), did I miss that one or did it get dropped? Thanks


Hey Filipe! You didn't miss it, but we haven't dropped it. It is definitely on the list, we're just having to juggle a lot of other minis at the same time with the TableClicks collaboration coming up, so it's taking a bit more than anticipated to get the few final NPCs done. We appreciate your patience!


Who is that spooky undead axe midget with the orc?