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Hey guys! We are wrapping stuff for this week's adventure release and wanted to show you some of the more advanced badies that your players may face if things go poorly... 

These are the aberrant creatures that are the object of the cult's adoration, including the one that they are named after, the Smoking Mirror itself, Black Tezatlipoca. Wanna know more about them? Download the adventure this week for free!

Here are some close ups

and this is still not all, we'll show you more tomorrow!




This is freaking amazing! I became aware of this god's existence by playing Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror and seeing it fleshed out as a paper miniature is a nightmare come true!

David DeWitt

Holy wow that is so awesome!!!

Ethan Golden

This is damn cool. Getting some serious Warhammer vibes, can’t help but think of the Eyes of the Nine. Maybe the color scheme

Be Inspired with Dominic

I'm torn between wanting them now and fearing what may be yet to come.

Scott Tee

This is so wicked! My party is only lvl 3, it's going to be awhile but I can't wait to throw this at them!

Rachel Reams

I love this! There's a real gap around good aberrant creatures in my collection, and these will do nicely.