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Hey guys! Hope you are all doing great! We just wanted to give you a small update on what we'll be releasing this week and a couple other things that we wanted to share with you.

Drunken Townsman

First of all, we'll be releasing our Drunken Townsman NPC tomorrow, you can check out some of the color variants that we'll make available below. This will be the fifth NPC paper mini we release, which means we are not even halfway through all the NPCs that we originally planned to release yet, so you can expect more townsfolk over the next few weeks.

Legion Erinyes

We know many of you are also still in need of devils and demons, so we are working on that as well. You can see some work on our Legion Erinyes paper mini below, along with some color variants. This one will be ready for release this Friday! We want to have a more robust collection of fiends still, so there is more coming after this one.

Terrain Props

Terrain props were the most voted option in our last monthly content poll, closely followed by Devils and Demons, so you can expect some terrain props news soon. We think they would go very well with the battle mats we are working on so we may hold a bit on their release and actually release them together as full terrain packs. We would love to hear if that'd be something you'd be interested in.

Spooky stuff!

It is October, and of course we are working on spooky stuff so you guys can have some appropriately themed games this month! We are cooking up some BIG spooky pack that we can't wait to show you! Stay tuned for that!

Goal Reward & Upcoming Updates!

In case you haven't done so yet, head over to our last Goal Reward Poll and cast your vote for what gets to be worked on! So far the White Dragon is ahead but the Pit Fiend is not that far behind!

Over the last 2 Patreon terms we managed to more than double the amount of paper minis we release each month! We went from 4 monthly minis to 8, 9 and we estimate that we'll get even more than 10 out by the end of this month. We've also been able to team up with some other amazing creators to bring you more D&D related goodies and even full blown adventures! This is all thanks to your support and we just wanted to let you know that we're extremely thankful for this and that our next step is to extend our efforts to our item cards. We are working on an update on them and we hope to be able to show you some cool stuff in that area later this month!

Thanks for everything, guys!


Nicholas Thornton

Would be great if you guys and Printablr Heroes would coordinate a bit. The Erinyes looks great but it's another demon duplicate (the first being the bone devil). It's nice to have multiple options, but it would be better to have more minis overall.


Thanks! Glad you like it. I don't think Marshall has an erinyes? We try to vary things a bit, but at the same time we need to cover all our bases.