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Hey Guys!

Thanks for your patience these past few weeks, we've finally sorted out our schedule just in time to start releasing all the month's content in these last few days of July. Also, as we mentioned in our last update, there are quite a few new things coming. But let's start with the easy stuff.

First of all, we'll be releasing the remaining insectoids we showed you before ( along with their suggested stat blocks). Here's a preview of the Swarm Master(#91)  with the Giant Wasp(#92), which we thought could work well mechanically with it. We'll be showing you some matching color options for them soon!

We'll also be releasing the Skyscout(#93) and the Mantid(#94), here's a little preview for the Skyscout.

Also, we have new rewards coming which we'll be adding to the current ones. The first ones (starting next month) are cutfiles with every new release (finally) and the addition of a new monthly mini ideated by you guys, similarly to how we used to do our Folk Hero minis, except this time we'll be making it a permanent addition to our monthly output of minis. 

Expect a more in-depth post describing each of these new things and how they'll work this weekend, but for now we just wanted to let you know they were coming.



These all look great! I'm really looking forward to their release. Any chance we could get a wingless version of the swarm master? It'd make for a pretty decent Thri-kreen character.


We usually prefer to do new minis instead of reskining old ones, maybe we'll do a Thri-kreen set soon. We'll make a suggestion thread over the next few days to hear what you guys would want to see next, we'd certainly love to work on a Thri-kreen set if you guys want them.

Murder Hobo Show

Very excited for cutfiles, and these minis look frickin awesome