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Hey guys! So, we owe you some goal rewards, we haven't forgotten about it. It's taken some time, but we've been working on the creture you voted a while back in our first poll; the Kraken.

We wanted to do something pretty cool for this one, and we figured you would like both the possibility of having the players fight it from ships in sort of a cool naval battle and also maybe casting some water breathing spells and following it to it's lair in the depths if that suited your story best. So we are preparing both a full body underwater version, and a surfacing version, with some extra tentacles to come out of the water during the fight.

We'll get these as big as we can (the scale shown is what we're aiming for) but as these are still a work in progress we might adjust that.   We are using the 5e version of the Kraken from the monster manual. We'll have more updates on this soon!



Oscar Steen

Daamn by dnd campaign start om monday and I need a kraken, do you think it Will be released till then ?


Hey Oscar! Daaaamn, you are starting your campaign with the Kraken? That's gonna be a quick TPK! We'll be releasing some updates on the Kraken throughout the month, and we aim to release it by the first week of July!