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Hey guys! A couple of weeks ago we reached our first goal here on Patreon. We are really thankful to all of you who helped us get there and that continue to help us make cool stuff to give some more color to our campaign worlds.

We want to do something special for all of you, so we are going to do something similar to our usual mini suggestion threads. We want to hear ideas of what you'd like us to make so we get down to working on it. We are thinking something a bit bigger than our regular minis, like maybe a giant, an adult dragon, a hydra, even a kraken. But we are open to any ideas you might have.

So, hit us with our ideas in this thread and we'll do a poll afterwards to decide. Let us hear it!



Keep 'em coming guys! Seems like the dragon option is quite popular. We'll start the poll next week, that's definitely going to be one of the options.

Julien Therrien

A kraken sounds interesting, and dragons are always nice. What about some demon lords? Baphomet, Demogorgon, Juiblex, and such? Or even some Archdevils? Regardless, I'll be happy with the result.