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Heyo everyone! With this week including the push of v0.4.3, it's been a bit of a squishy one. Without more further ado, let's just jump into some of the animation.

Most of these are rough still, and will likely be polished up, but here's a first look. As you see above is the simple Idle loop.

Here is rough look at the main loop

And a first look at the Faster Loop

There will likely be some more work on morphing to minimize clipping which is apparent in areas, and also to add some jiggle. I'm going to see if I can shape things up over the weekend here.

There will be a couple toggles in this Hscene. One is the visor.

And the other is the pube stubble.

Ontop of the v0.4.3 release, and this animation, I was also working on some optimization for the WebGL version. While I am still not quite content with it, some good ground was made. I'm going to be doing a bit more testing, and fixing up before I find it to be ready for the public release.

With that said... I should get some sleep. Sorry if this one seemed a bit brief, but the v0.4.3 post covered practically half of this weeks progress update. Thanks a ton for the support again everyone! It's really awesome seeing the game coming together how it is!

Next week will be dedicated to Tanya's 2nd Hscene!

Catch you all then!




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