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Heyo everyone! This week has a bit of good news, and a bit of bad news. The bad news, to put it blunt is that only about 80% of the work got complete for the boss. I was not able to complete it this week. As a result I likely will not have much to show. The good news is that all the voice work for v0.4.x is implemented. This took me a good amount of time to organize and get into the game (It's part of the reason I was just short of meeting the weekly deadline on this boss). I wanna give a huge thanks to all the VAs who had a part in this, and Lewd K for processing, and levelling all the used takes.

Of course I really want to show off some of the voice work, but Patreon doesn't support uploading videos directly on here. I would need to go through a streaming service which is... not too practical given the adult nature of most things we post :P. That being said, v0.4.x with the voice work should be launching next week. I will see about posting a couple clips in the discord for first looks, but if that is not available, you will be able to see it all next week in the new build.

With that covered, I am going to go over the outline of the Boss. Unfortunately, as mentioned I won't have quite as much to show. While the coding, attack patterns, and mechanics are there, they aren't quite connected properly yet, so it was tough for me to get footage that isn't completely scuffed.

To start, you will be faced with what you see above. He will have a simple attack of shooting the chain ball at you. Upon dealing significant damage to the ball, the boss will summon the convoy to his side. With several other vehicles also shooting at you, things get a bit cluttered. After dealing the last of the damage to the ball, it will fall out leaving just the canon. The boss will turn to his ace. It will begin to run over nearby vehicles in the convoy like a lawn mower. 

(As mentioned... it's not the best example, as it's an isolated environment, but the sequencing isn't there yet for me to give a proper visual recording.)

Using it's shrapnel, it will fire a shotgun of otherworldly bits at you. This will play on a mechanic you previously experience in the level when inside that Blue zone. It will shoot a mix of blue and green objects at you. Green will be destructible, blue will not be. Use this knowledge to get through the attacks unscathed.

It sounds a bit weird given how little there is to show, but I should be able to have this boss completed over the weekend, as it's realistically almost finished.

THAT being said, there was actually a couple other things done in preparation for the v0.4.x.

-Starting with a small adjustment, I actually made the player 30% smaller. This is in hopes to help with visibility, and allow the player to maneuver through tight areas easier.

-Another small thing was that I changed Weeble's finger beam color. It is now blue. The previous color was reddish, and I didn't want to give the impression that it can be barrel rolled.

-One neat thing was finally the addition of icons. It's not much, but I do think it adds a bit of extra "pop" in the party select.

With that, the next week will be focused on Tanya's new Hscene.

And is planned to have an alternate, no mask version

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you all next week with v0.4.x, and the next progress update!




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