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Heyo everyone, the time has come for v0.2. There's a couple things I will reiterate here as it will be the pinned post:

There are a lot of new features/mechanics involved here that I would typically do over the course of a couple builds, but many of them work off of each other, so I felt it necessary to get the ground work for all of this in. That being said, certain aspects will not be fully fleshed out (Like the dialogue layout/system, and affinity system).

There are a couple sections that might feel a bit janky, like the snapping to a new rail in-game (You will likely notice this if you go through the canyon in Raptura, just before the boss, your will "snap" onto the rail, and it is quite jarring.) I have a projected solution to make this more smooth, but it will likely need to wait until v0.3.

Anyways! Enough with the excuses! Onto the Changelog:

v0.2 Changelog:


  • New level+Environment: Raptura
  • New Boss: Weeble
  • New Character: Lana Kova
  • Party System and party supports
  • Dialogue system
  • 2 new Hscenes featuring Lana
  • Affinity system (still not totally in effect)
  • Charge shot
  • New aiming system
  • Temporary "Save" system. (The game will autosave any time you load into the Hub)


  • Enemies now project their shots
  • Enemy lasers are now much slower
  • Player laser's speed drastically increased.
  • Health packs now heal more
  • Purple claw enemies no longer hurt on impact, they now deal Damage over time
  • Names now appear in transmission dialogue. ("Player"'s name will likely be different in the future)
  • An "innate" cooldown has been added to the primary fire. This is to limit things like extremely fast auto-clickers.
  • Fixed an audio bug with some SFX
  • Catiya's Walkers no longer shoot missiles after they are dead.
  • Changed default keybinds for keyboard/mouse.
  • Changed some colors with the player character in some scenes.
  • Game's size has been a little more optimized.
  • Game sound will now mute when pausing the game. (Except UI sounds)
  • Changed UI scaling in ScoreScreen, and the hub to work better with other resolutions.


That should cover the jist of it. As mentioned, the default keyboard controls have been adjusted as following:

W = boost.
S = brake
A = L Roll
D = R Roll
LMB = Primary Fire
LMB(Hold) = Charge Shot

New Keys:

Q/LT(Hold) = Ally1 Support
E/RT(Hold) = Ally2 Support


Thanks everyone for the support! There is still much work to be done, but I hope this gives you a nice idea on how things have been progressing.

I will still be doing a post tomorrow going over the plans for the Goblin and the jungle! I will also be setting up the poll for the next character as well.

Catch you all then!





So no pregnancy in this game??


I do believe I left a response on the last time. I would like there to be impregnation, though I am not sure to what extent. Keep in mind v0.2 is an extremely early build, so it likely wouldn't make an appearance for quite a while.

A Lurker

Loved it. To start the aiming was much better from the first demo. I love deflecting shots with the roll, feels good. The second stage being interactive in that you can shoot the mining carts is pretty neat. Destructible assets like that could make a good way to hide collectables different paths in stages. Are you planning to give characters voices in the future for when they are speaking in a stage? Or possibly gibber jabber noises like old N64 games. I enjoy the menu system on deck but a couple things surprised me, yes it's all still in the works. When speaking to Lana the chat option bubbles seemed out of place or too basic and small. I was expecting the chat options to be maybe 2-3x the size, not as long, and possible colored a purple/pink with a trim color instead of black with white text. Chat options could be another opportunity for hidden conversation options. The second thing is the party member selection screen (when clicking Q or E on stage select). There's no "back" button to exit it. Yes, after messing with the screen for a moment you realize you can just click no member or the person you want but it just feels odd without having a button to back out of that screen. Probably personal preference. Also, when leaving that screen I get a visual effect of the entire screen refresh/flashing for maybe a frames time (PC version). Overall, again, it was great and I look forward more updates.


Thanks! Glad the aiming is working out better ^^. This week I am going to be creating a proper outline for the next feature/mechanics I will be working on, but finishing up the Dialogue and Menuing layout will likely be a priority on that front. Yeah we are hoping to have VA for the in-game transmissions, but that might be a little bit in the future.