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Heyo everyone! I got more stuff to share this week! I'll start by stating the elephant in the room that you have likely seen with the page. This Patreon is now dedicated to Star Lust. It's a bit bare bones right now, but as we get along and more assets come in, it will begin to fill out again. The "tiers" are in a bit of a limbo until we start getting builds ready for release.

Before I dive in to Star Lust, I will quickly say that today Wishful Simping has released the SpunkStock OST on Spotify. Check it out here if you were a fan of the tunes!: https://open.spotify.com/album/6eHBKTFcR5FL3TAqbJmYTt?si=TgDPnr1NRFqPrJLbLwKvCQ

Wishful Simping did an amazing job with the OST, and I'm glad to have him back on board for Star Lust.

Speaking of Star Lust. Let's get in to what has been going on now that it's the star of the show on here!

With the visual style coming together more, we have all been getting this ball rolling pretty well. The layout for the level has been completed (buildings and terrain). Enemies still need to be positioned, but all enemy models for the intro stage are now completed. Previously I showed the brown "grunt" ship, but there is another 2 light ships, a medium ship, a large walker, and the boss is also completed. The player ship model has also been completed. AmHidden and our 3D modeller have been just pumping out assets/concepts at amazing speeds, and have been super amazing to work with in these last few weeks.

The in-game "talking" portraits have also been completed for the intro level.

We had some discussion about how to approach Level Select and bring a simple, and easy access way for the player to be able to jump from level to level without interruptions, but also have the ability to talk to crew members if they so wish. The current direction for the hub will look something like this:

DISCLAIMER: NO, don't get assumptions on characters from this sketches. I know you see long ears, and cat ears, but don't jump to conclusions.

As you play through levels you will unlock characters. As characters unlock you will notice the hub start to fill up. (this is an example of what it might look like with the full roster). Clicking on the characters in the hub will start a conversation with them, or you may click on the hologram in the middle to go right into level select.

It is important to me that we keep the ability to jump from level to level with no mandatory dialogue (or as minimal as possible), and that characters are something the player can check on whenever they choose to.

With those, I will give a small screen shot of the game. It isn't showing much, but I don't want to keep making these posts saying "trust me, we are doing things" without showing you guys any of it.

The aesthetic we decided to go for was a bit more of a "gamecube" type look in terms of cartoony/higher saturation, and a little higher res than the old 3D rail shooters.

This is still an early look at a very early build, (As you can see there is still no UI ahaha) and a lot of things are subject to change. I wanted to at least show you guys our target style. I'm hoping next week I will be able to show more in the city, and areas past that. There are just a few more assets that need to be textured up in there, and I would like to have enemy spawns, and some effects in there before showing it off.

With the full page change to Star Lust I will also be bringing back the "plans for next week" section:

In the upcoming week I will be properly implementing all of the enemy spawns. (Some are done, but there are many tweaks, and some new scripts to be made). If I get time I would also like to create the AI for the "mid" sized enemies. There is still a good amount to get through after that, but we'll get there!

I'll catch you all next week. I hope you guys like the little peek so far (as small as it is)! 





really love the aesthetic. sort of gives a Star Fox 64 feel, which I love. Kinda curious as well in how H-Scenes will play into this


The current plan is that there will be 2 main Hscenes per build/level. One will be tied to level completion, and one will be achieve via another method (likely through conversation/other means in the hub). There are plans for 1 more small method of H-content during actual gameplay that I will likely cover at a later time.


How did you guys already make a vertical slice?? I swear you're cracked holy

Denial Leon

I hope doing a barrel roll has multiple meanings in this game. Just out of curiosity, what kind of goal is there in a level? Shoot x amount of ships or?


The base goal is simply "get through the level, beat the boss". There is a boss at the end of every level. There will likely be a scoring system based on kills, so there will be a score chasing aspect. There will potentially be a currency system that you get from scoring better, but this is an aspect that will be talked about a bit later. (Do note this is still very early, and these answers may change over time)


The team has been quite motivated seeing how things are coming together, and we have been working very well together. AmHidden and the modeller have been doing amazing. ^^ ahah thanks.

Denial Leon

Ahh so like on rail with an A to B destination while dodging incoming ships and fire, or more of a open area kind of thing?


Just echoing this, great job all! Just listening to the OST at the moment, great news that Wishful Simping is back for the next one.


Looks great so far!