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Hey everyone! This week was a bit of a waiting game on the SpunkStock end, but I'll share some things that were discussed and sketched up this week on the next game's end. Let's start with the check-in on SpunkStock!

The build was submitted for Steam review around the time of last week's post and we are currently still waiting on the results. To alleviate some expectations, it's fairly likely the first review would be denied (It's not uncommon for something to be amiss amongst the uploading process on the first submission).

Aside from that, the major bugs seem to be out of the way, and I will picking away at smaller bugs until things are ready to go for Steam.

There's not too much to go in to on this front, as it really is just fixing bugs, and waiting for things to come together.


Now on to what you see above, and some reports on the new project. Upon some discussion, we've adjusted the concept of the main character. (It's still very much a "concept/idea") I mentioned before it will be a male protagonist, but we might do something a little more dynamic. At the moment we are tinkering with the idea of an androgynous main character. Idea: The main character can swap between male and female forms (and perhaps in cases keep androgynous form). The main character will likely have more positions as a male role to fit the game setting of having your harem-style crew, but it leaves opportunities for more. 

It is still speculative, and may be subject to change.

Other than that AmHidden has done some brief concepts for zone ideas. Considering this is all so conceptual, I don't want to share toooo much of it as I don't want to bring upsets if certain areas/characters don't end up making the cut, but here's a fun little scene concept.

As for the prototype itself, I actually have gotten a little done on it. Nothing too significant, just what I could get on off-time. Mostly laying out some of the core scripts and the rail movement/shooting. I don't want to show anything game play related until I feel like the game at least represents what we are going for. It's a bit of a messy month, so it's likely all that's really posted is concepts for the first bit.

That should pretty much sum up this week. I know there isn't too much on display, but I'm hoping it's enough. It is kinda nice to be able to put my mind towards a new project after all this time ahah. Thanks everyone! I'll catch you all next week ^.^




John Tyler

New game looking really cool!!! ;D


I'm definitely sticking around for this next project. I didn't discover SpunkStock until way too late in the dev cycle for me to actually contribute in any meaningful way, fell in love with it for several reasons, and decided I had to throw in for whatever else you were working on.