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Hey everyone! Sorry for the slightly late post, my sleep schedule has bee all kinds of wack this week. It's nice to be able to finally kick back and do some rigging/animating after bending my brain in programming for the last while though. We have a good amount to show today, so here we go!

First thing, what you see above is the baseline neutral scene (with many bones and lots of clipping involved). This will be 1 of 3 animations in the final boss. It will likely have some additional shading added in later. 

There are some other things I will be sharing. There is this from a different angle. (I'm going to see if I can do something neat with it.)

We will see how it goes, but either way, this image will likely appear in the game regardless (animated or not).

Next will be Samga if you choose to dom. This one won't be animated until the neutral is complete, but it is what will come after.

In terms of the music, Wishful Simping has completed the Pica and Yoni strings. We are now able to tinker with a lot of different combinations.

Alright, so the plan this week is simple. Samga's Neutral is completely rigged and meshed, so all I need to do is set up morph control parameters, then I'm all in on animations. I'm hoping to have the animations done, and have started on setting up the strapped up Samga.

That should pretty much do it for this week guys! Thanks for sticking around. November is going to be a busy month. Catch you all next week with some animations!


*EXTRA* Happy Halloween everyone! Here's a haunted Samga

(This is the horror I saw before setting the layering to the right option.)



John Tyler

Mmm Samga is super sexy! This'll be great when it's done!! ^-^


I'm so excited for this game. And if the next project is half as good as this game is, then I can't wait to hear more about it too.