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Heyo everyone! 2nd report for v1.0! I'll jump right in to this week's progress!

The audio you hear is a section of the concept of the final boss song. You likely won't be hearing this version in-game. Once we get further along with it, I will share more on it's significance. It will be quite unlike previous songs.

While Wishful has been working on that, I have been doing more things on the programming end of the game. I have implemented the new Save system. (Scene Progress % is still not implemented yet). Save Codes will be disappearing, and the saves will be properly saved locally. There will be 3 Files in case you want to have different situations saved, or if your grandparents want to have their own play through.

As a result the main menu will be changing slightly.

There may be further adjustments done of the menu. Perhaps the Options will be a bit more streamlined.

I also got the endings roll all sorted out and fully functioning. I would show the progress and how it works, but I feel like I shouldn't show it due to it potentially spoiling some character's outcomes. Every character has somewhere between 2-5 possible "outcomes". With most being 3-4. In many cases there are "joint outcomes" where 2 characters pursue something together. I may add a couple more as I continue v1.0's production, but we will see how things fair.

There are still no scenes/animations to show yet, but we will likely be jumping on those soon.

Until next time time everyone!




Oh hell yeah, a remix of the title song is something I didn't know I needed. Also I'm sure us runners appreciate the multiple saves. Though I must ask, will the controls and calibration be stored separately from the save files? Cuz that's about 2 minutes per reset.


Currently, Calibration, controls, and audio levels are saved under Player Preferences. Basically they save separately from the save files.


That song is definitely a banger. Can't wait to see what it becomes. Looking forward to the release.