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Hey again everyone! I've finished up the last few pieces of animation, along with the last touches on the tentacle animation. I have been reviewing and thinking about a plan of attack for v0.16(after Yu/Mei) as well. There is a lot I've been thinking about in terms of how to use the last bit of time in development. There is a lot I would like to have, but time is getting short if the game is to be released within 2022, and I may need to be more selective on priorities. I will elaborate on this after the weekly progress update.

Across the board this week was mostly dedicated to adding things like fluids, and alternate animations for Yu/Mei's scene (Which was surprisingly time consuming). I also added movement to the smoke in Yu's Scene, so pretty much all the small things are taken care of.

First off, what you see above is the climax animation for when you're up and personal. This stage will likely be presented in a "continue" option from the scene. I'm thinking when you complete the boss song, you can leave it at that, or take on an extra challenge after which lead to the scene seen above.

2nd, below me is Yu's climax animation. It's more elaborate(differs from her default animation) considering Yu's climax is essentially the win condition in this song.

If you enjoy the intensity of that animation more than the default, the sandbox mode will have an option to loop it instead.

Finally, what I will show here is a lil preview of Yu's smoke clouds in motion.

It's a short gif, but I'm overall pretty happy with the results.

With that all wrapped up, there is just a small thing I want to do with Yu's tentacle animation before moving on to the Yu/Mei mechanic. Hopefully I'll have the mechanic wrapped up by next week.

After the mechanic is completed, it will just be writing dialogue, and setting the scenes up. I am also looking to maybe adding another "drink" to the vending machines that will be unlocked from Ayra.

I'm going to elaborate a bit more on what I was talking about before in terms of needing to be more selective. The characters I consider to not have "extra Hcontent" are Fufu, Ayra as major priorities, with Yoni and Ruth as minor priorities(As they technically have their bar flashes). With 4 characters, but essentially "maybe" one available slot for an extra scene I will need to think of a different approach. I will do a VIP vote alongside this post. This poll does not necessarily indicate the course of action, but it will mostly be to gauge where interest is.

Anyways. That should do it for this week. As mentioned before, this upcoming week will be focusing on the main mechanic of Yu/Mei's scene, along with hopefully 1 or 2 other things. I'll catch you all then! Thanks!!




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