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Heyo again everyone! Update on some of the animations here. Things are going well, and I'm trying to keep up a good pace on these.

What you see above is obviously the main loop, but the others are just things I was having fun with.

finally there was a alternative version where she's all "slimed" up, but I'm still unsure if I will use it... it was mostly just me messing around.

With Yu's animation mostly out of the way, I have started breaking up Yu/Mei's scene, and should be starting on meshing tomorrow. Here is a full still preview of the scene.

It should be really neat to animate. A lot of perspective to work with. There should be a lot loss components to it compared to Yu's tentacle one, so I think it should take less time... but maybe not, as there are technically going to be twice as many animations (as you will swap between the two).

I have a few neat ideas I wanna try on this scene, but we will see how it goes. Hopefully I'll have some good motion to show on next week's post. I will still likely revisit Yu's Tentacle scene afterwards, but I'm looking to keep this ball rolling.

I'll catch you all next week, thank you all so much for the support!




Denial Leon

I kinda love that she's pointing towards herself with her thumbs. "Who's getting tentacled!?" "This Girl!"