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First of all... the poll for next character will be starting for VIP(+$5). It will be Nammi vs. Yu/Mei.

Next will be the elephant in the room. The first line of testing is done. I will be making a post tomorrow with the release of v0.12, along with it's changelog.

So! What's to come with Eran? Well in v0.13 a new area will come that holds all the "Co-Headliners". All characters in this area will have unique mechanics to them.

Eran will work off of a "Corruption/Purification" system. How you complete her Hscene will determine the state of her suit's corruption. Her suit is sentient, and her arc will involve communication with both her, and her suit. More info on this later ;).

Because at this point the game will be shifting off of browser, we will be trying some more technical things within animations involving lighting. Hopefully this will add a nice flare to the scenes. 

I'll catch you all tomorrow for v0.12's release, and next week with a progress update on Eran! Thanks everyone.





Lookin forward to it! :D

Denial Leon

Huh the colour of the suit reminds me of a old Newgrounds game about a sith.