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The awesome news is that we have been soaring this week. AmHidden, and Wishful Simping have finished what they need for the month, and it just boils down to me getting the animations and new features in. That being said, Fufu's conversation animations are done, and I am currently rigging the Hscene. I gotta say... this Hscene is a doozy but it is gonna be so worth it.

For all VIP+ Patrons, the next vote will start alongside this post. This next vote will determine the type of extra Hscene the winning character will have in v0.11 (Ayra build).

Link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58605609 

Now... Sneak peek 1. Fufu's conversation animtaions.

Ignore the placeholder sprite :P.

I'm going to cover a couple QoL things I have put in this week too.

I have added a "Hide Text" button for when you want a better view during a conversation.

2nd, I have implemented a "Lucky Charm" into Mei's shop. After purchasing it you will have the ability to choose 1 white modifier at the start of every song. To assist you for the early stages of the song.

There is also going to be markers on Samga and Faye to more clearly represent that they have no Endurance currently.

Now... probably the biggest sneak peek. Here is Fufu's Hscene before animation.

Get ready to ride.

I have 1 modifier planned that may change depending on what I feel works best.

Nitros - (2-star Silver) This modifier will likely double-proc future silver modifiers, or past silver modifiers.

her 2nd modifier is still TBD.

AmHidden has also finished Fufu's victory art... but I think I'll save that sneak peek for next week ;). Can't throw everything out in 1 post.

Here are some changes I am hoping to get around to this build:

  • Boba, Fufu, and Yu's sprites represent their clothing state.
  • Visible exhaustion to endurance scenes.
  • More options in sandbox (eye direction, endurance states, etc.)

There are actually a couple features I want to look into if I have the time, but I will cover them in a later post if I feel like I'm in a good spot to work on them

Thanks again everyone!! I'm really excited to approach Fufu's unique scene for animating, and seeing what I can do for her character arc. Catch you all next week!




Denial Leon

Oooooo that lucky charm is a game changer.