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It's that time! It's been a really busy month. This version is just about ready for the bug-testing phase. There are just a couple small things to take care of. There are a couple things that have changed since the last post I did, and I will cover those first before I go into the changelog.

Before all of that: All Backstage ($10+) will be getting the high res rewards. Check them out here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/57908338

Alright! The main changes from the previous posts are:

Bounties  - You may have seen in-progress screen shots, and some mention of a "Bounty system". This system will not be implemented in this version. It may come in future versions, but due to running low on time, I will hold off on it for now. 

Lights - I had previously stated I would be working with lights. I was, but through development decided I would use other methods to do deal with lighting. It won't look as good, but I didn't want the performance hit to negatively impact the browser version. When we make the full transition to purely download version I will likely bring it back.

Now here's the full changelog:



  • New Character: Yu
  • New Modifiers: (1-star) Seer, (1-star) Blast
  • New Shop: Spooky Shop(Yu's shop)
  • New Game Mode: Haunted Hall
  • New Costumes: Frog, Reaper, Female
  • New Currency: Witch Coins(attained in Haunted Hall)


  • "Womb" animation during endurance mode can now be toggled to always show between rounds.(As opposed to just the first time)
  • A display showing the current rep multiplier total.
  • Changed how some canvases scale with screen size. (This should help with uncommon fullscreen resolutions during dialogue).
  • side-character "Tonn" to help guide through the Haunted Hall

Bug fixes: 

  • Fixed bug where S and SS coins can desync if you load a save over a game that already has progress.
  • Fixed a bug where you could still highlight the climax button (When it disappears) in endurance, and break the scene.
  • Fixed a bug where "Auto" mode in Sandbox scenes would remain even after switching to "Manual" mode.
  • Fixed a bug where you could pause between endurance rounds. (could soft-lock the player into quitting, or retrying.)

I may add one or two small things, but that should wrap that changelog up. I'll be sure to add any changes on the post for the actual v0.9 release.

I'll give a quick description on the new modifiers:

Seer - White (1-star) - This modifier is applied immediately upon selecting it. The cost of rerolling is reduced by 50%. (stacking with further reduce reroll cost)

Blast - White(1-star) - Upon triggering, all notes currently on-screen will be cleared. All cleared notes will count as "Perfect" hits regardless of what they are (including mines). This will also not trigger any negative effects (ie. Mine, Gravity).

Here's a little display of the Haunted Hall.

There are a few items to help you get through.

At the same time, there are various traps to hinder you.

Make use of the items while avoiding the traps to escape from Igor if you are ever spotted.

Playing the haunted hall will unlock Yu's Endurance, the ability to strip her, and some little costumes that you can walk around as. Along with some fun little easter eggs, if you look around.

Witch Coins will allow you to do these things. Once all items have been purchased you can use all remaining witch coins to convert them into Reputation.

You can apply any current costumes at the cauldron in Yu's Tent.

Anyways... The little guy you see leaning on the desk is named Tonn. He will appear in the Haunted Hall to guide you, and give you hints if you need them on how to complete the Haunted Hall.

It's been a cool experience experimenting with the Haunted Hall, and I hope it's fun for people to play around in as a mini-game.

Thanks everyone! It's starting to get tough coming up with creative ways to thank you all without sounding like a robot repeating the same lines every single post aha. You're all the best, and every month when I see that version number go up, it still feels so crazy to see how far we have come. The game would definitely not be where it is now without your generosity... so really... thank you all so much. I'll catch you next week for the v0.9 release!




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