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Hey again everyone! It's been about a week, so I thought I'd come back around to let you all know what's up! This week has been fairly productive.

I have completed the following:

  • A manual sync system. This will help fix any latency issues if you find it an issue.
  • New Modifier: Mine (notes may appear that you must avoid clicking)
  • Fixes for different aspect ratios in full screen
  • A "code" save system to allow save transferring across sites, the browser version to PC version.
  • Score Screen "%" will now display to the thousandth rather and full number (XX.XX%)
  • Created a system where "new" modifiers are added to the pool only upon completion of the corresponding character to ease progression.
  • Increased Samga's boob size in H-scene to more accurately match her other art.

What I am working on now:

Well... As you may have guess from the screen shot, I am in the process of animating Yoni's H-scene. I have dug a decent ways into the rigging, and have almost all my controllers set up for animation.

What else is to be done:

  • Create second modifier: The modifier I am thinking of adding for the 2nd choice will likely add a lot of dynamic to the play. (hopefully) I have yet to implement and test how it really feels, so it's not set in stone yet, hence why I won't go into details in this update.
  • Animate Yoni's conversation piece
  • Write her dialogue
  • Do her pixel art idle animation.
  • In depth look at how I can optimize performance, and space of the game.
  • Aside from that there's various bug fixes, and I want to polish/flesh out some of the new systems.

Now I am going to show a bit of the base systems I have in place. This is an early look at manual sync. I may clean it up a bit before launch, but this is it's current state. You can access this from the menu in the exploration/overworld section. This calibrated offset will be applied to songs in the game.

Obviously going through that is not necessary. If you find the default timing works for you, then there is no need to go through any of this. This is just for those who are having latency issues and wish to patch it up.

Next is the save code system. This will be usable on PC and browser versions, and of course is cross compatible.

As I stated on previous posts. This build is very much a "tech" build in the sense that I'm reeling back a bit on smashing in new content, and I am taking a step back to ensure the game stay as stable as possible from a technological standpoint. I want it to run well, look good, and feel easy to access. I want to keep it this way, so every few months I may do a build like this to pull back and make sure the game doesn't get too "loose".

That being said, Yoni will still be coming in her full glory this build, so don't worry about that.

Here's an early rigging test on her hair.

I will hopefully have more to show next week, but for now this it. Thanks everyone for sticking around! I hope you all enjoyed Toto's build!




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