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Heyo everyone! This will be a bit of a lengthy post. I'll start with the breakdown of v0.9, then I will showcase Pom's Hscene. It's a bit of an interesting one.

I hope you've all enjoyed Molbon2 along with the recent changes. Just before we get into it, I will put out a reminder that the next poll will come alongside this post. Now let's talk about Pearlus2!

Let's start with the concepts for it. Pearlus2 will take place within the ice caps. This is actually one of the oldest (if not THE oldest) level concept made for this game. It was drawn before development even started ahaha, but it's coming back for this level.

The enemy will likely not make an appearance, as this was all in early planning. (Still when "Help" Sequences were just being discussed.)

This is not the only concept however. You are back on Pearlus due to a form of corruption within the depths. Part way through the level, you will go under the water. (No, this doesn't mean you'll have goofy swimming controls)

The source of the contamination is a large monster. This monster will be the boss of the zone. I'll save the boss concepts for when it comes time to work on it, but until then, our 3D modeller has sent over a first look at the environments he's set up for us.

 (2nd screenshot will be underwater, and have a red haze as shown in the concept.)

Next, Amhidden has done up a good amount more art. Some intended for builds in the future, so I won't showcase those ones, but he's done some pinups. These will likely be added to the shop in this build, along with another outfit for Rooster.

tl;dr: For a time, there was a random community/group? They essentially grouped up and review bombed Starbreed for "Futa based content", or some other form of that statement... but either way, Rooster seemed to be their worst nightmare so we gave them this shirt.

Now! What about Pom's Hscene? You saw the idle above, but let's show a bit more!

 This Hscene is a bit of a play on perspective. Because Pom is digital, you can only bone her in the virtual world, so that is what you do. The bottom would be your peripheral vision outside the headset.

These angles can be done during animations.

Basic loop:


Aether taking control.


Fast variation with a bit of angle:

With the angle I thought a variation might be interesting. What if Lana can surprise you in your moment with Pom?


Lana's animation is just a simplified version of her 2nd Hscene, but I thought it might be a fun add.

If there was anything else I was going to talk about, it must be escaping me at the moment, but if not, then that should do it for this post! Remember to check out the poll if you are in the applicable tiers.

Thanks everyone for checking in! This upcoming week might be a bit of a weird one. Half of it will probably be dedicated to enemy placement in Pearlus2, and the other half to... an Hscene? or perhaps features/bug fixes... Due to couple things, it might need to be improvised, but we'll work with what we got.

I'll catch you all next week! Thanks again!




Randall Arrow

Seems like if Lana surprises you, Pom should complain, because you're no longer using the fleshlight she's using as a sensor. It's as if Lana took your dick out of her pussy to put it in her own mouth.


interesting POV