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Hey everyone! This week was a bit crunched, as I fell quite ill for a few days of it. I'm on the climb back up to recovery though. This week was focused on Pix' 3rd Hscene, and as you see above, You can approach this scene as either male, or female. Let's get to the progress update!

As you can see above, that is Pix's Idle.

The Hscene will start with a hand job

Something to note here is that the phallic color is pink (when it is normally a darker blue/green)...That being said, I do actually think I like the pink phallic color with female aether more... it kinda works well with the hair... I'm not sure... I may rethink this later.

Next up is the basic Hscene loop


along with the harder version


or opt for a grind


There is still a bit more to do to make up for that lost time, but it shouldn't be an issue.

This next week will be about implementing the boss for Molbon 2! Here's a look at his concepts!



With the golems being so fierce in this area, it can only mean one thing... the big boss golem is here.

I won't provide too much on him yet, but I'll be sure to break it down with the showcase next week.

I'll probably just keep this post quick, and to the point so I'll leave it at that. Thanks everyone! I'll catch you next week with the boss!




Lunatic 0verlord

So Female Aether can grow a dick, huh? Guess Aether's species really CAN adapt to everything.