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Heyo everyone! It's been a pretty busy couple months between development and some other related things, but I'm happy to say things have been panning out, and I finally feel like I've mostly caught up, and have everything in a comfortable position again. Let's get into the progress report!

This week was focusing on Rooster's conversation animations. In general, there's not a ton of variety in Rooster's poses and animations, as they are a rather "inanimate" person/alien. I'll mostly just cover the ones that stand out.

As you see at the top, that will be Rooster's basic idle pose. (no emotion)

Rooster also has a sip animation...

And a Smug/Happy animation


And of course the clothing options. (These ones are a bit darker because I forgot to reset the color space before recording the gif. They will be normal in-game)

With that, I wrote the base of Rooster's dialogue.

Something else that's pretty cool to look at, is with the release of Rooster, we can officially see the filled out cockpit/bridge.

Ironically, in the corner we have the 2 polar opposite characters having a nap.

Rooster has rather subtle animation in the background compared to the others.

And of course the new planet has been added to the level select.

It's the only planet with a unique model due to it's broken nature.

and Rooster in character select.

Another thing I crammed into this week, that unfortunately may not be shown for a little while is a new trailer. It took a bit, but it's another thing off my to-do list.


This leaves the question of what will the next 2 weeks look like? With this build releasing on the 1st, we are in a pretty good spot. Aside from really quick things, the next week's priority will be to wrap up all loose ends. Basically there are some small components that are unfinished, like certain enemies in Zol'gan need proper hitboxes, finetuning on spawns, and transition sequences for the boss. Kind of boring, but important things ahah. Once all these essential small things are done, I am going to be spending the remainder of this build's development on looking into, and fixing bugs that have proven to be a thorn in my side.

The one small issue with looking into this, as the progress made could vary quite a bit depending on whether I am really able to nail down what the issues are. I am going to likely start by rewriting the current save system. This means there is a pretty high chance that save data will be wiped with this build. I know I did initially say that I would try and make it so the new save system transition was seamless, but we will see how it converts over. I will try, but I won't promise that I can pull that off.

Unfortunately the "new" save system will likely be a temporary system as well, but at least it should function well without errors coming up for people like the previous system has. I have a small suspicion that the current jank save system could be the root cause to some other bugs that seem to appear from time to time. 

From here until the release, I am going to be going down the list of new features, and bug fixes that have been piling up, so it's tough to outline exactly what will be completed each week. 

Anyways! I'll catch you all next week for a report on what I managed to get done! Thank you all so much for sticking around, and I will see you then!





Rooster with the coffe cup is just me 90% of the day

Lunatic 0verlord

Is it me or is Rooster perpetually pantless?