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Evening all, it's time for a new monthly update! v0.18.0 is now up for free at the usual site, and v0.19.0 is now out for patrons! This new release focuses on Schen content with a few placeholders, some planned, some not.

This update gets the ball rolling on the plotlines for both the Schen Specialist and the Schen Leader plotlines. Now that I've gotten some concrete ideas down on paper for those two NPCs I've already got the art guys working on their portraits, although for the moment they'll have generic Schen as stand-ins. There's about 2.7 scenes in this update, with the shorter month clipping me a bit on finishing the third scene. One branch featuring the XO is currently complete and I've gone ahead and put that in, another set of branches featuring the player (and potentially a fair number of kink traits) didn't quite make it into this release however. The scene will be repeatable until it's complete, so no worries if you want to check it out in its current state.

For the next release my first goal will be finishing up that scene, as you might imagine. Secondly, I'll be wanting to get everything set up for supporting DTF Happee recruits, which mostly involves getting their DTF uniform assets implemented in the game. I have these art assets handy, so that will mostly just be a matter of some image formatting and code support. After that I plan to swap over to Happee Co scenes, hopefully getting started on the Specialist and Leader plotlines for that faction as well. Once that's begun I can get the freelancers started on those sets of character portraits, and then we'll be free to think about spending their time on CGs for the foreseeable future.

Once the foundations have been laid I'll be free to focus more fully on a single faction, probably returning to the Schen, but if there's any preferences feel free to let me know in the comments. I'll let you know how things go next time, til then, thanks for your support! The game links will follow for patrons, and the patch notes are below:

v0.19.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • First Schen Specialist scene added to Schlyss, unlocked 20 hours following the previous Schen scene.
  • Second Schen Specialist scene added to Schlyss, unlocked 20 hours following the previous Schen Specialist scene. Branch featuring XOs in a relationship with the Player complete, Player-focused branches still in development.
  • First Schen Leader scene added to Schen Observatory, unlocked 20 hours following the first Schen Specialist scene.
  • Note: Character portraits for new scenes are placeholders.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • None


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