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Happy New Year all, and it's time for a new update! As usual, v0.16.0 is now up for free at the usual itch.io page, and v0.17.0 is out for patrons! This latest update only adds two scenes, however the latest episode with your sponsored team of Harian athletes is rather extensive. You'll get to see the Harians learning to explore their bodies, with the body type in question depending on both your preference settings and possibly which team you decided to sponsor.

I'm also halfway through writing the next scene in the Seeder Leader plotline, which I'll be focusing on finishing up for the next update as well as more Harian and Seeder content. Then for the second half of the month, I'll probably swing around to getting more of the new Schen and Happee Co plotlines going.

As it is the first update of 2024, it's probably suiting that I take a moment to review the previous year and my overall plans for the year to come. My personal evaluation of 2023: good for functionality, could be better on content. When it comes to functionality items on my Phase 1/2 checklists, everything's been checked off as of a few months ago. Scene-wise things have been a little slower than I recall it taking for Carnal Coup scenes, particularly as I get more into the actual sex scenes, at least partially due to the increased scene flexibility and the number of parts that need to be accounted for. There's also been fewer CGs than I'd like, although that's largely due to many plotlines not yet hitting the CG stage. Now that I can focus on writing without needing to get the foundations working though, the scenes should be coming fairly reliably for a while to come.

As for 2024, my current forecast is me spending probably the first half of the year just on content for the Harians, Seeders, Schen, and Happee, potentially finishing off the first two factions. This will include adding in new sets of duty assignments for the new star systems, and some side scenes such as random encounters and Coup character cameos. Come this summer I may switch tracks back into functionality for a while, adding in the next tier of items on my list such as: the next tier of ships, ship policies, medbay functionality, sex toys/bdsm equipment for the dynamic scenes, and pregnancy. There's still quite a bit of work left to do however, so I can certainly say that the game's development will be continuing on into 2025.

I certainly hope you'll all be continuing to follow along, playing the game and supporting the project as we go! I'm thankful for everyone who supported in 2023, the project wouldn't be here without you! I'll also toss in a reminder that for the next few days, Carnal Coup's Overseer Edition is still on sale for half off on Steam and itch.io! Until next time, you can find the patch notes below, and the game links will follow. Enjoy!

v0.17.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • Next Harian Athletes scene added to Victorious, unlocked 40 hours following the previous. Has variants based on gender preferences.
  • Third Seeder Leader scene added to The Flower, unlocked 20 hours following the second.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Formatting corrections to previous Seeder Leader scenes.

Known Issues:

  • None



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