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Evening all, it's time for the monthly update! The public release is now up to v0.15.0, and v0.16.0 is now out for supporters!

This cycle was a little lighter than I was hoping, mostly on behalf of being a shorter one but also because I spent a bit more time than expected with family holiday stuff. Still, progress has been made! A number of supporting art items have been added for the new factions, as have several additional Seedcarrier scenes. I had to cut off in the middle of the relationship branch scene, so that will be my first priority for the next update. At a minimum, I'll finish up the ability to toggle your relationship with Rhin, and add in the first 'Romance' scene with the fellow. After that...well, almost certainly more main faction plotline content, although to be honest I haven't decided which faction to focus on yet. Now that there's four in the game, I want to balance out adding content to the new pair with ensuring that the existing plotlines aren't left dangling for a year. 

Whichever one I choose (and if anyone has opinions, I'm open to hearing them), I'll be sure to let you know in the next update! I have no major functionality to talk about tonight, so I'll leave you with the patch notes below, and game links will follow!

v0.16.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Functionality to support the use of spending requisitions in scene dialogue options.

Scene Content:

  • Second Seedcarrier ship scene added, unlocked 20 hours after the first.
  • Third Seedcarrier ship scene added, unlocked 20 hours after the second. Requires 4 Ensign Cultural or Medical requisitions to complete, replays until passed.
  • Seedcarrier Relationship choice scene added, unlocked 100 hours after the third. Platonic path only implemented currently. Replayable.

Art Content:

  • Schen and Happee Co faction logos added to the galaxy map.
  • Mining Platform and Megastructure Mall backgrounds added to Happee scenes.
  • Schen and Happee Co civilian ships added to respective system maps.

Codex Entries:

  • Happee entry added to Species codex.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • None



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