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Evening all, it's mid-month update time! This update was largely all about Specialists in general, and Choker in particular. 

While only two new Choker scenes have been added, a lot of functionality's also been set up to support making a Specialist NPC part of the crew. Now, some of you may recall how Specialists worked in Carnal Coup, so I'll do a little compare and contrast. In CC, Specialists basically went through three main phases like this: 1. Meet -> Recruit -> 2. Get Closer -> Loyalty Mission -> 3. Platonic or Romantic Relationship. In Carnal Voyages, the first half of that process is going to be fairly similar. However, while CV doesn't have the exploration missions of CC, it does have a number of other options for earning someone's loyalty, and it's likely that in this case it will be a little unique for each Specialist. For example, combat or seduction encounters, a chain of duty assignments, or just straight up providing resources of a certain type and amount.

There will also be some more mechanical advantages to progressing the relationship than simply unlocking more scenes. Making the Specialists an established part of the crew will allow you to promote them, increasing their stats, and I am currently planning to add a unique trait for each Specialist at that stage. This will make them more effective for both ship and duty assignments, and if you choose a Romantic outcome, you'll have the ability to call them up for dynamic booty calls as well. Like with CC, you'll have the option of pursing Platonic relationships if a particular Specialist isn't your type.

Also, while they're far from being added to the game, you may have noticed the artwork with tonight's post - we've got gobbo portraits! There's still more work to be done, but we've got enough art assets ready to set up the Schen and Happee Corporation factions once I feel like the Harians and Seeders are far enough along, which will probably be a few more months.

Speaking of future work, the Seedcarrier now has a lot of catching up to do to get to where Choker's at now, so that will be my primary focus for the rest of the month.  I'll let you know where we're at next time, til then, patch notes are below, and patrons can find the latest version at the previous link. Enjoy!

v0.10.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Functionality to support flag-locked codex entries.
  • Encounter actions have been sped up: scroll and message wait time cut in half, 'Updating' pause between messages has been removed.
  • Specialist Recruitment functionality added:
  • Specialists will join the crew as Lt. Commanders with pre-generated stats and traits.
  • Functionality added to support Specialist facial portraits in various screens.
  • Specialists can be viewed in the crew roster, but cannot be promoted through XP. Specialists cannot currently be seduced for dynamic encounters, but this will be unlocked in the future after completing more of their storylines.
  • Specialists can be assigned to Duty Assignments.
  • Specialists can be assigned to ship stations, including bridge stations.
  • Specialists do not count against ship capacity.

Scene Content:

  • Choker recruitment scene added.
  • Choker's first shipboard scene added.
  • Officer's Quarters added as a Specialist hub scene, accessible from the Captain's Office.
  • Choker's Cabin added as a hub for Choker scenes, accessible from the Officer's Quarters following her recruitment.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • Choker codex entry added, unlocked following Specialist recruitment.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected bug that prevented the XO from being assigned to Duty Assignments with no specific Career requirements.
  • Corrected bug which prevented failed Duty Assignments from displaying their full result message.

Known Issues:

  • None



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