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Evening all, it's time for another update! v0.8.0 is now available for the public at the usual link, and v0.9.0 is now available for supporters!

Firstly, the three ship classes of Tier Two are now available for purchase at the Watch Station dockyards. I talked a fair bit about ships in our last update, so I don't have much more to add there tonight. After getting the ships functional I then spent most of my time this cycle writing up some more Seeder scenes, including the introduction for the primary Seeder antagonist character. If Professor roleplay is your thing, you may like where those plotlines are going.

With that said, my primary focus for the next update is going to be further scene writing, and my more-specific primary focus is going to be some more smut scenes. This is a porn game after all, and it could probably use a few more of those. I'm currently planning to do a bit of Seeder content and some shipboard content as well. One thing that's been on my mind lately is some of the more story-based character traits which can be selected in character creation but currently have no particular purpose, and I'd like to start adding in something for those so players are getting their money's worth out of them. I'll probably go back to functionality work a bit in the latter half of the month, but I'll go into that more with the next update.

That's about all I have for tonight, so enjoy the patch notes below, game links will follow, and I'll see you again in a few weeks! Thanks for playing!

v0.9.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Tier 2 ships are now complete and can be purchased at the Watch Station dockyards.

Scene Content:

  • Third Everroots University scene added, unlocked after meeting the Seedcarrier.
  • First Seeder Leader scene added, unlocked after the Third Everroots scene.

Art Content:

  • Backgrounds added for new Ship Laboratory and Armory ship rooms.
  • Sage Lantana portraits added to Scenes and Gallery. Nude portrait accessible via cheats.

Codex Entries:

  • Career Track descriptions added to Setting section of the Codex.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected issue where Seedcarrier BJ CG wouldn't display in the XO variant of the scene.
  • Added check to ensure new/promoted crewmembers do not get a trait they lack the anatomy to take advantage of. Existing crewmembers are not adjusted.

Known Issues:

  • None



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