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Evening all, it's time for a mid-month update! And as I mentioned previously, this month we're all about the all-new species, the Seeders! The downside of being an all-new species however, is that this first update has been almost entirely focused on mechanical and behind-the-scenes work. The Seeder home system, Domad Rast, has been added to the galaxy map as a new destination, with one visitable planet and a few introductory scenes. Much like with the Harman system, arrival in a new system will involve locating a suitable local base of operations, followed by a bit of intelligence gathering on where to go next. In addition to map work, a fair bit of time was spent on everything required to generate Seeder NPCs - processing and adding Seeder artwork, inventing Seeder names, adding them to the generation system and so on. We're not actually at the point yet in this update where you'll actually get to meet any Seeders, but that will probably be coming very soon as everything is now in place to spend at least the rest of this month on plotline development.

A codex entry and in-story introductions have been added for the species, but as this is a new one to the setting I thought it might be good to share a bit of info here as well. So, who are the Seeders?

As you might guess, the Seeders are a plantoid species, a new frontier in Carnal biology. They are long-lived and quite conservative, as they are slow to change their ways for better or worse. Many Seeders are actually older than the Galactic Pure Union itself, a factor that may come in handy when dealing with a culture that otherwise avoids trying new things. Culturally, the main focus of the Seeders is on knowledge and education - however, unlike the more practical-minded Schen, the Seeders prefer to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself, with an intent of filling a long life with endless self-improvement. They are somewhat anti-materialist, preferring mental and spiritual growth to financial growth, but that could just be a side effect of the relatively low economic wealth their home system has to offer. As for biology, while they are hermaphroditic like many plants, and like the Schen, they take a very different approach to how it works in practice. You may notice the flowering vines crawling along their backs, as in the portrait above...well, let me just say that they're perhaps the only GPU member species who walks around with some of their sex organs on public display.

For the rest of the month I'll be working on continuing the Seeder introduction, likely including the introduction of the Seeder Specialist NPC, who I'll show off a bit more of next time. I also have a stack of flavor text updates waiting for the romance scenes to help keep those fresh, for those who'd like a bit more variety in their crewmember interactions. So I'll see you all again in a few weeks, patrons can find the latest updates at the link in this post, and you can find the patch notes below. Enjoy, and thanks for playing!

v0.5.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Domad Rast System (Seeders) added to Galaxy Map. System Map added, no destinations currently available.
  • Seeder data added to NPC generation system.

Scene Content:

  • Domad Rast introduction scenes added.
  • One story-based duty assignment added to Domad Rast system.

Art Content:

  • Seeder NPC art assets added to game.
  • Seedcarrier Specialist NPC art assets added to game and gallery. Gallery currently only accessible via cheat unlocks.

Codex Entries:

  • Seeders Species entry added.

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • None



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