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Evening all, it's mid-month update time! As this was a pretty short work period, not even two full weeks, updates have been pretty targeted on two things: setting up game functionality for the more sandbox-y phase of the game, and bug fixes.

To start with, for actual playable content, there are now a number of scenes available when you first visit the Harman system. While the story isn't progressed a great deal, there were a number of code systems that had to be set up to track story progress now that we're past the linear 'play scene 1, then play scene 2, etc' of the introduction. This includes having the story progress through methods other than simply text scenes, such as by completing duty assignments, and in the future may include things like going to a particular location and completing a battle or a seduction and so on.

For bug fixes there were a number of items as you can see in the patch notes, but two particularly annoying ones were the GUI scaling on some secondary scenes, and the issue with 'pet names' being character-swapped. I had been hunting down name issues in scenes and it turned out my issue was with character generation, an issue I'd missed as I often do scene testing with default generated characters. This will hopefully be fixed in old saves by the save compatibility code, but let me know if there continue to be issues.

For the rest of the month I plan to work on getting in the duty assignments I mentioned in the last update, followed by more scene content. Once we hit November I'll probably go back to doing some functionality (like more in-depth tutorials or a gallery system), so that there's some balance between code work and writing.

My only other note for tonight is that, because I am now using itch.io for my file hosting, there will not be a follow-up post with patron download links as they can be found at the same link as the v0.2.0 downloads. This link will be changed once a month going forward.

...Okay, I lied, I do have one more note for tonight: the Overseer's Edition of Carnal Coup is still on sale on Steam and itch.io for one more day. Get it before time runs out!

Til next time, thanks for your support! Enjoy the patch notes below:

v0.2.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Liberator and Overseer-tier Patrons are now receiving credit in the Options About tab.
  • Added functionality to support player Career type as a dialogue branching option.
  • Added functionality for scenes to set various progress flags (for example, for when to play a one-time scene rather than a repeating one). When in a scene with a progress flag, access to the maps/travel system will be deactivated until the scene is complete.
  • Added functionality to support progress flags as a dialogue branching option.
  • Added functionality for scene option selections to generate specific duty assignments, and added functionality for duty assignments to set progress flags.
  • Duty assignments now assign rewards on completion.
  • An 'Items' tab has been added to the Inventory screen, which displays Upgrade Items and Currencies.
  • The 'Crew Assignments' button will now be active following the Introduction, allowing access to duty assignments without going through the map screens.
  • Current XP has been added to crewmembers profile displays. This will be further updated when crew promotions are implemented.

Scene Content:

  • Several scenes added setting up the introduction to the Harman System. This chain will begin when first visiting the Abandoned Defense Platform (default location for the Harman System).
  • One storyline duty assignment added to Harman System.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • 'Currencies' entry added to the Settings tab.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the time display wouldn't update on loading a game until after some more time had passed.
  • Fixed display issue with Options, Codex and Inventory screens on smaller resolution displays.
  • Fixed an issue in the relationship portion of character generation that was saving nicknames from the wrong fields. These values should be automatically swapped to the correct characters in old saves.
  • Fixed potential error when completing duty assignments.
  • Added missing check on duty assignments for minimum required ranks.
  • Improved a number of text display issues with duty assignments.
  • Corrected labeling mismatch on Inventory requisition credits.

Known Issues:

  • None


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