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Hey all, it's State of the Game time! Work continues on the Carnal Voyages GUI update, which was slightly delayed recently - but for a good reason, as the Harian portrait assets have come in and required a few days to get into the game. I've attached a few examples of the Harian chargen options to preview, and I should note that these portraits are from a new artist on the project, Kaki! These portraits are also notable as they represent the last artwork the game requires for the introduction sequence, along with a CG set which I can't preview here, and we've now begun on artwork for post-intro content. As one example of that, I am also attaching a sample portrait of the game's special recruitable Harian companion, but you'll have to wait a little longer to find out more about her. ;-) This is a bit of a difference from Carnal Coup, which went public with very little art and had a lot of catching up to do.

As far as the GUI work goes, I've completed the graphics assets changeover for the Romance, Load, and Option windows, which leaves only the main game window left - this window currently doesn't have much to it, but it's going to need a lot more I'll be implementing as part of the update. I've also added in a lot of new art assets for the Romance window, as shown in the slightly-censored images attached. Other than that, as I noted before I'll need to do a more in-depth look at windows like crew assignments and combat to see how I can improve the information displays there. Additionally, I'll probably be looking into setting up a gallery system now that we have some CGs, which to be honest I wasn't sure we'd have any of this early. The gallery in Carnal Coup was a little bit of a mess, and hopefully I'll be able to make things a little better organized this time around.

That should all definitely be finished this month, at which point I'll need to clean up the last few outstanding issues to get the introduction complete - tasks such as writing up a non-procedural sex scene, and the dreaded tediousness of inventing a large number of alien names so not everyone is named Steve. I'm not prepared yet to set a specific date for when the first alpha will be released, but I will say that it will be an entirely free release and won't represent the return of the Patreon to normal operations - you can be sure there'll be a big update post when that happens with a fair bit of warning time before changes take effect.

And one last reminder, Carnal Coup - Overseer's Edition is still on sale on Steam and itch! Don't miss out on savings!

That's about all for this month, then, so I'll see you again in a few weeks, and thanks again for your support!



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